
Sound the Alarm!

Hemlock Mandatory Meeting



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
05-17-2024, 07:40 PM
Delphi waits patiently as the pack arrives. She smiles to those that give her acknowledgment and respectfully avoids those that are clearly displeased with the changes. It is all overwhelming, sudden, and honestly unavoidable. Much has been kept silent so far and Delphi isn’t sure that’s been the best decision. Yet, if word were to spread too far, too quick, they would become targets. 

Waiting a few minutes once the last of the group had settled into their seat, she addresses them all with a pleasant, but sad smile. “I know some of you here today are not going to accept what I have to say, but that knowledge comes with being a leader,” her expression slips into a more serious tone as she swallows hard, eyes scanning the crowd carefully.

“Tenshi most likely will not return from her sickness. Because of this stress, Vidarr has decided to spend her remaining days with her so that they don’t miss a single moment together. I consider it retirement, but you may call it what you want,” Delphi lets out a sigh before moving onto the next topic. “We are no longer called Heidinn, but Hemlock. I know many of you come from a similar background as Vidarr and that is the reason you probably decided to follow him. From here forward, Hemlock will pride ourselves in specialty crafting, trading, and training. Our numbers are weak, and I believe if we have something to strive for, we will attract more members and be happier all around,” she tries to smile, but it’s difficult when she feels like it might be her against the world.

“If you feel that Hemlock is not a good fit for you, I will not stop you from leaving. Our rank system will be easy. Hone the skill you find yourself connecting with the most and work to better it than the day before. I want us all to be able to teach the younger generations how to be great pack wolves who support each other and the world around us. So, Rota, Keila, Brida, Deion, Maki, and Unagi, please let me know if you would like be a Paladin (fighter), Stalker (hunter), Reviver (healer), Conceptual (intellect), or Wayfinder (navigator). Audr has been moved to Conceptual, Ulfr to Stalker, and Gimli to Paladin. Erik and Strai are my Menders; they are what I consider my advisors and wolves who may make decisions if I am not around,” Delphi takes a moment to smile both at Strai and Erik before the next piece.

“I do have a secondary option that may appeal to some of you. I have decided to try out a traveling trader group that will take our specialty crafts around the continents and bring back other specialty wares we cannot acquire normally. Kuroki will lead this group of Vagabonds and be known as our Sundowner. Only our most trusted wolves will be considered for this group as they will need to wear the Hemlock name proudly and be on good behavior,” she turns to her father, a knowing smile on her lips and her eyes growing misty for just a moment. “If this interests you more than one of the other ranks, please meet with Kuroki and I to decide. Oh and Bjorn, Lumine, Hall, Runa, Steig, and Styrmir, I expect by summer time for all of you to decide what sort of path you’ll be taking!” Delphi knew some might not stay, but she hoped they’d at least try. “Now that I have ranks out of the way, I will try not to keep droning on, I promise,” an insert of attempted humor was goood, right?

“Our numbers are low and with a friendly raid on our horizon, I would like us to try and recruit some members,” Delphi smirks now, eyes roving across the group once more. “Anyone who successfully recruits lone wolves will receive a reward, but the wolf must stay for at least a year. Outside of that task, I want everyone to think about whether we should stay on the mountain or move. It is not a decision or suggestion that must be made now as we would wait for other things to happen, but change is not bad. Next season, I hope to get us all into better coordination and much more fun! If anyone has questions, concerns, or anything they’d like to say, I leave the floor open.” She lets out a breath, her mouth feeling dry and heart pattering faster than she’d like. Her eyes still flicker across the crowd, wondering if any would speak up.

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