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The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
05-19-2024, 01:03 PM

Oh. Dorian painted her a better picture of his reasoning for gardening. It was a chore, something to keep his mind busy but more than anything, it was a commemoration of his father. Clove felt a sense of uneasiness wash over her, and then, sadness. She couldn’t imagine that kind of pain; the loss she would feel, if something happened to her parents. Her siblings. Anyone she cared for. But she kept a warm smile on her face for him, finding it commendable that he upkept the garden to honor his father. “It’s a beautiful garden. I’m sure he is proud.” She says, admiring his devotion.

Switching gears, they are talking about the field of human remnants that could be used to build a greenhouse. He seems intrigued by the idea, thinking it over with a contemplative look. Was it a crazy idea? Maybe. Would it take a lot of work? Probably. Could they do it alone? Probably not. But Clove was a dreamer, she thought anything could be possible if you tried hard enough. So if Dorian wanted to get supplies for the greenhouse, she’d help him!

He was focusing on her again, and Clove found herself gazing back at him. Those bright, emerald eyes simmered with curiosity, and there was a softness behind them- one that told her he was a sincere boy,  who kept his heart on his sleeve and treated girls with respect. It was something she could admire. Warmth spread across her cheeks too as they smiled at each other. 

He motioned for her to follow, and she did. Finding a steady pace beside him, she switched back and forth from their right and left, enjoying the lush scenery. She could hear the falls rumbling in the distance, slowly becoming louder as they covered ground. And finally, they ended up where they started, standing in front of the massive waterfall. 

But they wouldn’t stop there; Dorian was leading her up a sloping path, and she flashed him a curious look. It led behind the waterfall, where the path became moist from the spraying water and the rocks, slippery. “Okay.”  She said, heeding his warning and staying close. Their shoulders accidentally bumped into each other, and she blushed out of reflex.

 They moved behind a steady stream of water, entering a sculpted hollowed chamber behind the cascading veil. The roar of the waterfall was rhythmic, reverberating off the walls and consuming the space.

She’s looking around as he leads her towards a stalactite, its massive, pointed peak emerging from the ceiling and almost touching the ground. Stopping, she inspects it in silence, tilting her head slightly and twitching her ears back and forth. “Sugar? Really?”  She almost doesn’t believe him; how could this pointy thing taste sweet like sugar? Well, it must have. Because he was licking it and telling her to try it. And he didn’t have a sour look on his face after… oh well. Here goes nothing. 

A little apprehensive, she sniffs at it first. Then, her eyes close, her lips part, and she slowly takes a lick. Wow. Her eyes suddenly snap open, a smile tugging at her lips as she savors the sweet taste. It was similar to the candies her mom and dad gave them on special occasions. Maybe this is where they got it from? “This is amazing!”  She says, daring to steal another lick. “How have you not eaten all these already?” Another lick, and she realizes she might be acting a little… gluttonous. She blushes and pulls a paw to her mouth. “It’s really good.”  A sheepish smile, and she tries to draw the attention away from herself. “Thank you for showing me your home. It's quite beautiful here.”  A short pause. “You should come to see our castle- oh, and the greenhouse.”  An invitation she truly meant, and hoped he would take. It didn’t have to be tomorrow, just whenever he was ready. 

"Clove Carpathius"

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1. Playing Tour Guide Lazuli Falls 01:11 AM, 01-15-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024