
I can't believe you kiss your car goodnight

Raid meeting


Raiders Hollow

Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
05-21-2024, 01:10 AM
The move on top of the drama of the raid on Ethne had thrown Inferno off - she'd only just begun to learn a new trade when the land that had inspired the craft had been removed as their territory and they'd moved all the way across the continent, and she'd been fighting a sense of whiplash, particularly with the mood from the pack's leaders. She'd been keeping her head down and avoiding contact to keep herself out of it all - her faith in the leadership still shaken by the aftermath of that raid that had seen children injured and her sister thrown out of the pack without warning, she hadn't been able to bring herself to risk further crumbling foundations so she'd kept to herself. Gil's presumed death and miraculous return had done nothing to ease the tension.

Now a call rang out calling for another raid, and Inferno... ever the soldier... knew that she couldn't justify to either the pack or to herself missing another raid when her whole purpose in the pack and in life was as a warrior. Besides, the wolf calling the pack together was hardly more than a child, and she couldn't stand the idea of any more of the pack's children getting injured without her there to protect them from another major injury. So, armed and armored, she made her way to answer the call, inclining her head to Kenway, her expression resigned as she observed him and his dogs playing with a barrel of alcohol as they waited. Children.

She sought the eyes of her sister's friend, brow cocked questioningly at him. At least there'd be one other wolf there who wasn't barely out of the nursery. She longed to ask him where her sister was - they'd never been close, she hardly knew Rivin, but she was still family, and Inferno felt more and more that was slipping through her paws and before long she'd be alone.

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1. I can't believe you kiss your car goodnight Druid's Moor 04:51 PM, 05-18-2024 01:32 PM, 06-20-2024