
the way that she dances



Expert Hunter (120)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-25-2024, 11:29 AM

Winter was never a terribly unpleasant time for central Boreas, and for that Jay found herself grateful. Though the yearling preferred the summer, when the lands were brimming full of life, she wasn't really the sort to complain - at least the snow didn't seem so bad these days, rarely sticking when it did finally appear, often melting fully under the mid-afternoon sun. Most of it had long since melted today, only a few small pockets of snow lingering here and there, beginning to re-freeze with the sun's absence. Still, the conditions here were nothing compared to the north, a place her parents had told her plenty about. She wasn't sure yet whether she'd ever travel that far herself.

Doing so seemed pointless, especially when she had everything she needed right here.

Agile paws carried her across the old battlefield, carefully avoiding pockets of debris that remained here. So much had been worn down over time, caked into the earth in a way that rendered even the sharpest objects not quite a danger any longer - at least until you got digging, which Jay had no interest in doing. She hummed softly under her breath as she walked, only falling silent when she saw the figure of a stranger up ahead, illuminated by the lights that danced overhead.

Only as she drew closer, not without letting out a friendly little bark to signify her approach, did she realize that something wasn't quite right with the girl. An odd smell came first, and then the bright green substance that seemed to be clinging around her ears and eyes and legs. The glow was hard to miss, and caught Jay's curiosity. Not just because she was nosy, but because she couldn't stand knowing someone might need help when she might be perfectly capable of assisting them.

"Oh, hi! Good evening," she called out, her smile warm as she drew closer. Her pace would slow, not wanting to seem like she was charging up on the stranger. "Are you okay? I couldn't help but notice-" Her words halted abruptly as she made to gesture toward her, not sure whether or not her worry would be taken in offense. And not only that, but she wasn't quite sure how to call whatever was afflicting the other girl.. or if it was even anything she ought to be worried about at all.

table coding by bunni ♥