
amor fati




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

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Rapid Poster - Bronze
05-28-2024, 07:29 PM

Daylight hours were fleeting in the far north, especially during winter. Dominus didn't really mean to be out this late, but it's hard when there's so little time to get stuff done. Stuff? What kind of stuff? Exploring stuff, mostly. Mom's akita had come along to keep an eye on things, likely under the impression they wouldn't be gone that long. Oops. Though Tanuki looked at least a little annoyed with the whole predicament, he didn't complain. Dominus won't whine about the rules, especially when he's in the act of bending them somewhat. Crossing over into the Steppe probably won't be too much of a problem... he hoped.

Really, he'd been hoping to see her out, but just sorta staging running into the girl wasn't in the cards today. Nose low to the ground, Dominus tracks closer and closer to the Steppe until... ehhh property lines be damned. He can smell her, or someone who smells like her (shoot, was he wrong?) as he nears the border. A toe over the line, and then another couple steps. Tanuki had something to say about it, but Dom assured the dog they'd be okay. There's privilege in being a young boy out after dark, he could always pretend he didn't know better, right?

Then again, he doesn't want better. He wants to check on Lumi. Sun sinking below the horizon at his back, the last dregs of red sunlight dripping away from the sky. His shadow was long, gaze careful as he peers out over the step. The only thing on his mind at this point is finding her, checking on her, making sure she's okay. His friend was sad, and Dominus was taking it upon himself to do something about it. That had to be a good enough reason to do a little light trespassing, right?

dominus mendacium

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. amor fati The Stone Steppe 07:29 PM, 05-28-2024 01:08 PM, 06-24-2024