
A simple salve

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Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Hunter (25)

2 Years
Dire wolf
05-29-2024, 07:29 AM

Tethys Fatalis
Family was one of the most important things in life. That value had been instilled in her since birth and she clung tightly to it, finding it comforting to be surrounded by kin. It'd do her good to get to know some of her more distant family members though, even if talking to others was often hard for her. At least she was comforted by knowing they all, hopefully, had some sense of loyalty to her - it made interacting a little easier, for some reason.

She nodded to his question, asking if the wolf was Ignita. "Yeah, her. And I'm not sure - I guess I've never thought about it." Having a slave of her own sounded like it could be useful, but at the same time intensely stressful. Ignita had an intense air about her that Tethys feared would sap her of energy a little too quickly... but maybe having someone to help her might not be such a bad thing. "Though I'm not sure I'd want to be around another wolf so often. Those two seem attached at the hip now."

Tethys studied what he was doing still, watching the way the ingredients melted together. Oleander explained he was making salves for the warriors. "Smart," she commented, not really knowing enough to know whether he was actually being smart or not, but it sounded like it to her. He put the ingredients into some easy-to-transport containers.

He asked about the raid and she gave a slow shrug. "Maybe the next one. I don't feel quite.. strong enough yet," Tethys confessed. The truth was that she was quite hard on herself, and she wouldn't take failure as an option. She feared jumping into a raid and making a fool of herself. "I think I'll be ready next time. With some training. What about you? Have you done any fight training yet?"

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1. A simple salve Dreamer's Col 03:40 PM, 05-12-2024 04:36 PM, Yesterday