
Deep into the night



The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
05-29-2024, 04:56 PM
Flare continued a slow pace forward, trying not to alert the tiger that its presence had been detected. He stopped and scratched an itch, his back paw scratching against his side. Using the moment to scan the area around him. Instead of something orange, he found something white. He whirled towards it, expecting an enemy. Instead, he found a wolf watching him. Their green eyes were upon him, but didn’t appear threatening. In fact, the wolf’s tail was swaying back and forth behind him. A greeting? Flare wasn’t entirely convinced.

The distraction was all the cat needed. It leaped off the tree above him. But it wasn’t the cat he saw, it was the wolf. The white creature leaped suddenly forward, and Flare took two bounds forward anticipating meeting the wolf head on when he heard the thud behind him. The cat had landed right where he had been.

Feeling a little like he was being hunted on two fronts, he backed up so he could see wolf and tiger in the same field of view. The wolf shot passed him, heading for the tiger. Ah Finally, Flare understood. The wolf was hunting the feline, not him.

He leaped forward, joining the fray as he attempted to hook a paw in front of the cats back right leg and yank it out from under them. In the same instance, his head shot forward and his fangs landed hard in its back. Drawing blood in the first hit. He didn’t know why the white wolf had decided to join in. Was he already hunting the tiger in the first place?

WC: 271
total: 818


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1. Deep into the night The Red Forest 09:13 PM, 05-24-2024 12:22 PM, 07-16-2024