
Deep into the night



The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (185)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
05-24-2024, 09:13 PM
FLare usually found himself to be the predator, but as he made his way through the unnaturally large trees of this forest, something prickled beneath his skin. A sixth sense which told him that he was being watched, though he heard no footfalls, nor caught any scents on the wind. He continued to walk, snow crunching beneath his massive paws, head held high. As if he had no worries in the world. He was waiting for the predator he knew was there to make their first move.

He had intended to find somewhere to bed down for the night, and thoughts of sleep were heavy on his mind. But there would be no resting while he was being stalked. Opportunities, or revenge? He’d made enough enemies escaping his old life. He thought he had tied up all loose ends, but perhaps he had missed something…

He took another few steps beneath the towering trees, the moonlight bright and full around him. There, a faint scent. Tiger then, not fellow wolf. He let his eyes drift a little higher. Would a tiger manage to climb trees such as these ones? Perhaps his attention had been too low.

WC: 196


[Image: gESpex3.png]


Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
05-26-2024, 01:13 PM

Something had unsettled Ollie, he didn't know if it was something he ate, or the giggling from the next room of the treehouse. His paws itched for something to do instead of laying down his head to sleep. His mind was relatively relaxed, so why was he itching to run?

He found himself weaving through the massive trunks of the redwoods, not knowing what he was thinking even, his mind was just static and numb. Maybe he needed to hunt... Or fight? There were tigers in this wood wasn't there? The thick pelted kind too.

He was getting stronger every day, maybe his muscles needed extra effort to settle down. He nosed the air for a moment, then brought it down to the ground. He wasn't as skilled a tracker as the hunters of Armada, all he could smell was earth... a wolf passed through here? Maybe? He couldn't tell how long ago it was. He followed the scent a little way and noticed it was getting weaker, so he turned and tracked the scent to getting stronger, then suddenly he was overwhelmed by the scent of a tiger crossing the path of the other canine.

Alerted by the strong scent he jerked his head up to look around quickly to make sure he hadn't stumbled on it by accident. Ollie couldn't tell where it was lying in wait, but as he nosed the air he knew he was close enough to both wolf and cat. He rounded a tree and saw a lone wolf in the middle of a clearing—still no sign of the cat.

How was he to alert the other of his own presence without alerting the feline? Did the other know he was being stalked? With the way he was looking up at the trees... probably.
He waved his tail to get the charcoal and ember-marked male's attention. If he did, the cat may strike and they'll finally know its location.

As soon as the tiger came into view, Ollie would launch his attack toward it.


wc: 351


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (185)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
05-29-2024, 04:56 PM
Flare continued a slow pace forward, trying not to alert the tiger that its presence had been detected. He stopped and scratched an itch, his back paw scratching against his side. Using the moment to scan the area around him. Instead of something orange, he found something white. He whirled towards it, expecting an enemy. Instead, he found a wolf watching him. Their green eyes were upon him, but didn’t appear threatening. In fact, the wolf’s tail was swaying back and forth behind him. A greeting? Flare wasn’t entirely convinced.

The distraction was all the cat needed. It leaped off the tree above him. But it wasn’t the cat he saw, it was the wolf. The white creature leaped suddenly forward, and Flare took two bounds forward anticipating meeting the wolf head on when he heard the thud behind him. The cat had landed right where he had been.

Feeling a little like he was being hunted on two fronts, he backed up so he could see wolf and tiger in the same field of view. The wolf shot passed him, heading for the tiger. Ah Finally, Flare understood. The wolf was hunting the feline, not him.

He leaped forward, joining the fray as he attempted to hook a paw in front of the cats back right leg and yank it out from under them. In the same instance, his head shot forward and his fangs landed hard in its back. Drawing blood in the first hit. He didn’t know why the white wolf had decided to join in. Was he already hunting the tiger in the first place?

WC: 271
total: 818


[Image: gESpex3.png]


Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
05-31-2024, 01:27 PM
[Image: QQvogJ4.png]

Woah! Good thing the ember and coal male leaped out of the way or that cat would have had him! Oleander let the male make all his assumptions, as he was laser focused on the tiger that had come from above. Greetings can come later.

Oleander had bolted toward the cat who had not taken him into account when they leaped at the first male. His teeth latched onto its throat but it pushed him away with a mighty force and he slipped his grip from it.

He chuffed gratefully as the first male entered the fray and tripped the tiger beneath him.
"Yes!" He exclaimed aloud and launched himself at the cat's face once again as it tried swiping at the coal pelted male. A loud yowling and growl echoed through the clearing as the cat reacted to the pain. His heart raced and his mind was clear, Yes! This is exactly what he needed! His muscles had been crying to be used and extended!

The cat spun on Flare then spun on Oleander as he tried to grapple with its throat again.

[Image: mqR1Stt.png]"Speech"[Image: F4GoHMk.png]

1002 tw


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (185)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
05-31-2024, 07:50 PM
Flare had just enough warewithal to concentrate on both his fight, and the white wolf’s. He didn’t entirely trust that the stranger wouldn’t take an opportunistic bite if he got the chance. He saw that the green eyed wolf was able to score a bite on its throat before it pushed him away. This stranger seemed rather fearless, launching a frontal attack again and again. Flare took advantage of the opportunities it created. Ripping deep into the tendon in its back leg while its attention was elsewhere.

It let out a yowl and tried to attack him, but the white wolf was there once more. Taunting and capturing its attention. Flare finished cutting through the tendon in its leg and he felt its weight shift suddenly as the limb became mostly useless. Its cries were many and angry as it was forced to defend itself on two fronts. Each wolf dealing significant damage to the striped creature.

Flare found himself enjoying the fight, trusting in the stranger a little more to keep the cat off his back, and not to take a swipe at him in return. He wasn’t sure of the other’s intention, if he wanted the coat, or had a grudge against the cat. But he’d take the help for the chance to maul the shit out of the predator that had thought to stalk him through the woods.

He was moving on to the second back leg now, narrow avoiding its teeth as it leat back towards him in an attempt to get him off it. There was fear and desperation in its movements now. It realised it wasn’t fighting for a meal, it was fighting for its life… and losing. Its movements, while desperate, were also beginning to slow. Pain and blood loss would be deciding factors in this battle. “Kill it!” Flare called out as he snapped its second leg beneath his long fangs. The white wolf deserved the killing shot, he had been taking the more dangerous position at its front after all.

WC: 341
total: 1343


[Image: gESpex3.png]


Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
06-03-2024, 12:23 PM

Back and forth the cat went as the wolves ganged up on the creature, maybe if it hadn't decided to prey upon the true lords of the forest here, it might have made it to another day.

Ollie could feel its desperation as its claws grasped one of his shoulders and its screams echoed through the woods. He felt the weight shift as he pummeled and shook the cat with his teeth around its scruff. It twisted around and threw its paws into the air trying to get a better angle on its attackers. Ollie was already adjusting his grip for its neck, his long nose made it past the short nose of the cat and gripped its trachea to put it out of its misery, just after the coal male shouted his command to kill it. The tiger wrapped its mighty paws around Ollie and tried to gather its back legs to scrape his belly but the stranger had already disabled its legs and it moved them pitifully.

The creature held Ollie in its desperate embrace until death embraced its last breath. The claws lost traction and its paws fell limp. Oleander shook the beast just to be sure it had truly left this plane of existence.

He let go and let his tongue loll while he panted, his limbs suddenly draining of the adrenaline and fatigue gripped them finally. He sat heavily on his rump while he recovered from the fight, his green eyes mere slits in his white face. Blooms of blood from scratches began to appear in his pure white coat. At this point the pain was prickling and annoying but not a distraction or debilitating. He'll get his brother to patch those spots up later.

With a deep breath he finally looked up at the black and ember wolf, funny, if Iggy and Bas had a kid, Ollie wouldn't be surprised if it came out like this one. It would never happen though of course. Their relationship wasn't like that at least. Bas would never allow it anyway.

"Thanks, good fight. You good? I can patch you up if it got you anywhere." He said regaining his breath. He was still a little shakey from the exertion, and might even be a bit weak. But he wouldn't let someone walk away if they needed medical attention.


Total: 1731

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1. Deep into the night The Red Forest 09:13 PM, 05-24-2024 12:22 PM, 07-16-2024