
I Guess This Means I'm a Grown Up Now?



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

05-30-2024, 11:24 PM

It didn’t take long for her to find her place and make it her own. After returning home with Malico, she quickly realized that she wanted her own den. Not that she wasn’t excited to be back with her family, but the need for privacy was too strong to ignore. The den she chose was nestled at the base of the mountains, far enough away from others to ensure solitude. With its eastern facing orientation, she had a breathtaking view of the endless ocean just beyond the rocky beach. It was a cozy nook, not overly spacious but enough for her needs. She made it hers with markings and trinkets, a tangible reflection of her journey towards maturity and independence.

She had spent hours meticulously smoothing the rough, uneven stone walls with a mixture of thick mud and smooth pebbles, creating a rustic yet sturdy surface. In one corner, she had reinforced some wooden shelving over a pallet of furs that would be her bed, creating convenient pockets in the wall where various herbs could be stored for when spring came back around. A small firepit was wedged into a raised alcove, surrounded by scattered furs of different textures and patterns for comfortable seating. The walls were adorned with an eclectic mix of items - from various satchels to rugged waterskins. There were even a few tools hanging from hooks, along with carefully preserved bones from various animals awaiting further study. And throughout the space were scattered empty clay pots filled with rich soil, eagerly waiting to be potted with fresh herbs or plants at the first opportunity. The room exuded a cozy and organized chaos, reflecting the personality and hard work of its creator.

As she sat on a weathered stone, surveying her handiwork, an odd sense of pride swelled within her. The space around her was familiar and comforting, each nook and cranny imbued with her personal touch. The scents of earth and sunshine mingled together, lulling her into a peaceful state. This was her sanctuary, her refuge, and in this little corner of the world, she felt truly at home. No, it wasn’t much. But it was certainly hers.

The warm, golden light from the crackling fire danced upon the walls, creating a cozy atmosphere in the den. The flickering shadows seemed to reach out and embrace every nook and cranny of the room, making it feel alive. The unmistakable scent of smoke and ash filled her nostrils, mingling with the musty earthy smell of the den. It triggered memories of long nights spent studying and training in medicinal practices. Her gaze was fixed on the mesmerizing flames, lost in thought. Her mind drifted back to her recent conversation with Caedes — a common occurrence these days. Soon, she would bring him to the island to meet Avacyn, hoping to establish an understanding between them that would allow their relationship to continue...whatever it may be.

"Mariah Mendacium"