
I Guess This Means I'm a Grown Up Now?



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

05-30-2024, 11:24 PM

It didn’t take long for her to find her place and make it her own. After returning home with Malico, she quickly realized that she wanted her own den. Not that she wasn’t excited to be back with her family, but the need for privacy was too strong to ignore. The den she chose was nestled at the base of the mountains, far enough away from others to ensure solitude. With its eastern facing orientation, she had a breathtaking view of the endless ocean just beyond the rocky beach. It was a cozy nook, not overly spacious but enough for her needs. She made it hers with markings and trinkets, a tangible reflection of her journey towards maturity and independence.

She had spent hours meticulously smoothing the rough, uneven stone walls with a mixture of thick mud and smooth pebbles, creating a rustic yet sturdy surface. In one corner, she had reinforced some wooden shelving over a pallet of furs that would be her bed, creating convenient pockets in the wall where various herbs could be stored for when spring came back around. A small firepit was wedged into a raised alcove, surrounded by scattered furs of different textures and patterns for comfortable seating. The walls were adorned with an eclectic mix of items - from various satchels to rugged waterskins. There were even a few tools hanging from hooks, along with carefully preserved bones from various animals awaiting further study. And throughout the space were scattered empty clay pots filled with rich soil, eagerly waiting to be potted with fresh herbs or plants at the first opportunity. The room exuded a cozy and organized chaos, reflecting the personality and hard work of its creator.

As she sat on a weathered stone, surveying her handiwork, an odd sense of pride swelled within her. The space around her was familiar and comforting, each nook and cranny imbued with her personal touch. The scents of earth and sunshine mingled together, lulling her into a peaceful state. This was her sanctuary, her refuge, and in this little corner of the world, she felt truly at home. No, it wasn’t much. But it was certainly hers.

The warm, golden light from the crackling fire danced upon the walls, creating a cozy atmosphere in the den. The flickering shadows seemed to reach out and embrace every nook and cranny of the room, making it feel alive. The unmistakable scent of smoke and ash filled her nostrils, mingling with the musty earthy smell of the den. It triggered memories of long nights spent studying and training in medicinal practices. Her gaze was fixed on the mesmerizing flames, lost in thought. Her mind drifted back to her recent conversation with Caedes — a common occurrence these days. Soon, she would bring him to the island to meet Avacyn, hoping to establish an understanding between them that would allow their relationship to continue...whatever it may be.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-31-2024, 12:31 AM

Alastor had always known this day would come to pass sooner or later. The den he and Manea shared, the home they had build to birth and raise five amazing pups in, was now forever quiet. Mariah and Malico had both opted to find their own dens, which now that they were both fully grown adults was to be expected—the time had just come faster than Alastor would have liked. The big softie of a dire wolf felt like he'd missed out on his youngest litter's entire youths. They'd both been out learning new skills and honing their passions, and he would always be forever proud of them—especially his little Mariah—but the lingering guilt that ate away at his heart would remain for the rest of his days. He hadn't been the best father to Mariah and Malico growing up, but maybe he could make up for that missed time now that they were back home.

The Mendacium brute had been racking his brain trying to think of a suitable denwarming gift to give his not-so little girl, wanting to find something fitting to who she was and what she meant to him. It took some time, but eventually an idea came to Alastor. The dire brute found a solid piece of wood from a felled pine tree in the woods and carved out a plaque from the trunk. He spent the next several days slowly whittling away at the wood, carving each of their family members' markings into it like a little decorative family tree of sorts. He paid great care in his attention to detail, getting every loop, swirl, and curve of each Mendacium wolf's markings just right, from Manea's intricate ivy-like marking to his wild flames, to Avacyn and Saracyn's matching marks, all the way down to Mariah's double-sided markings. When he was content, he carefully smoothed out any rough edges until it was flawless. Then he wrapped the plaque in canvas tied up with string to keep it concealed until Mariah could open it.

It had been a couple of days since Alastor's first interaction with Caedes and his offer for an open invitation into Elysium so they could get to know Mariah's secret lover. That had really been the tipping point for Alastor. While many fathers likely would have been shocked or angered by their young daughter sneaking around with a secret lover, all Alastor saw was another way he was missing out on his daughter's life. He had never wanted to give any of his children the impression that they couldn't be themselves or be open with him and the real fear that he was losing opportunities to see Mariah happy struck a deep dread in his heart. Hopefully this little gesture would begin to bring him and her closer together again. It was all he could hope for... Carrying his gift down from their mountain home, Alastor walked the familiar paths down to the base of the mountain, then made his way around until he found Mariah's den on the eastern side of the mountain range. The smell of woodsmoke was coming from within and the flickering light hinted to her presence at home. That, or she left the fire on. Hopefully not the latter. Basic fire safety was very important after all.

Alastor approached the entrance to the den and peeked inside. "Knock knock!" he called inside, stomping a giant paw on the ground to simulate knocking. "Mariah! May I come in? Your old man wanted to come see what you've done with your new place!" Putting on his signature ear-to-ear smile to hide away his deep seated worries and try to mask just how tired he looked with the concerns of what Fever had been telling him, Alastor waited for Mariah to grant him permission to enter so he could see his daughter's new home and how she'd livened it up with her unique style.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

05-31-2024, 09:42 PM

Mariah's half-lidded eyes snapped open at the sound of her father's voice, a smile creeping across her muzzle. Her heart warmed at the carefree tone he tried to put forth, although she could sense the slight tremor of worry underlying his words. She had often been too consumed with her own pursuits to notice it before, but now she realized how much she had missed her dad. “Don’t be silly, Daddy, come in.” she called out, her voice echoing softly against the stone walls of her den. She scrambled to her paws and glided to the entrance, her tail wagging like a banner behind her. Seeing her father's silhouette against the dim glow of the natural lighting, she nuzzled him affectionately. It was the first time in a long time she had really gotten to see him, and his dire stature made it easy to remember the nostalgia of her childhood. Even as her own frame was far weaker and gaunt in comparison, there was a brightened glint to her gaze that hadn’t really been there before she left. An affectionate grin that said she was happy to be home.

As she moved back to allow him inside, her attention drifted back to the cozy little space, admiring it for a moment longer before speaking. "Well, it isn’t much. But I’m happy with it.” She professed, returning her attention to her father. Though after a split second of looking him over, she noticed the piece that he carried with him. Tilting her head a bit to try and get a better look- she quickly found his obsidian gaze, looking for an answer. “What is that?” She asked lightly, a brightened grin spreading across her features as she waited for him to explain himself.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
06-01-2024, 12:05 AM

Alastor's expression instantaneously lit up the moment he heard his little girl's voice call out to him, his heart warming when he heard her call him 'Daddy', the term she'd always used for him since she was a wee pup. She slid gracefully into view and was greeted by a toothy smile from her sire, his long inky black waterfall of a tail waving back and forth off the end of his rump in a happy wag. Alastor stepped easily into the den, vigilantly noting the entrance was comfortably dire-sized so he didn't have to duck to enter. Of course he knew exactly why. Once inside, Alastor dipped his head down to receive his sweet daughter's affections, happily nuzzling his cheek back against hers with a happy murr. This was his first time truly getting to interact with Mariah since she and Malico had gotten back from their travels. Of course there had been a family reunion of sorts, and he saw her in her daily life around Elysium, but they hadn't had any father-daughter time since before she left. Alastor planned on correcting that post haste.

Taking a good look around her den, Alastor immediately noticed how everything screamed Mariah Mendacium. The space had been decorated in the eclectic tastes of his daughter, her wide range of passions and interests displayed in all corners of the den. Why, his smart crafty daughter had even gone so far as to smooth the walls of the cave with a mosaic of pebbles and mortar! Al was damned impressed! "'Isn't much'? Mariah, you've turned a cave into your own palace! I can't do half of the things you've done!" Alastor made a slow circuit around the den, inspecting each detail with the awe and wonder of a proud father looking over his child's handiwork. Ancients, his kids were so damn talented! As he roamed, Al's obsidian gaze returned to Mariah, seeing the bright smile on her face and the gleam of life in her argent eyes. She was a far cry from the forlorn pup he had stayed up at night with just to be her pillow and an ear for her to bend when she needed it. There had been a time during her childhood that Alastor had truly feared for her, worrying that the mental toll of her affliction might drive her to drastic measures. But seeing her here like this, happy and whole with the spark of life in her, it was enough to bring a tear to the dire brute's dark eyes.

So lost was he in his thoughts and reminiscing that Alastor almost missed when Mariah pointed out the gift he had on his back. Stygian eyes blinked a couple of times as the mind behind them snapped back to reality. Oh, right! "Oh this?" Alastor slid the canvas bag off of his back and turned it about, pretending like it was his first time seeing it. "It's just a little housewarming gift. It isn't much, but I'm happy with it." He grinned, teasing Mariah with her own words while he handed the gift over to her to unwrap. Once she had removed the wooden plaque from within, Alastor gave her some time to look over it and drink in what it was. "I wanted you to have a little piece of your family history with you always, so you can look at it and never doubt where you fit in for being you. I hope it'll work with the rest of your aesthetic." This was Alastor's way of showing Mariah that no matter what happened, no matter what doubts had ever clouded her mind or heart, she was his daughter. She was a Mendacium. And he was so proud of her for who she had become.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-01-2024, 11:01 AM

Mariah’s gaze lingered on her father, the soft thrum of happiness at his presence reverberating through her heart. Her curiosity was piqued by the object he carried with him, but for a moment she simply watched as he took in her little sanctuary. His enthusiasm was contagious and she found herself grinning back at him.

Mariah watched as her father wandered the den, his warm gaze taking in every detail of the space she called home. His words filled her with a pride that radiated from her like heat from a hearth. It wasn't often that she sought validation, but coming from her father, it meant the world to her. She moved to sit by the fire's warmth, tucking her lean frame into a comfortable position. Her silver eyes remained fixed on Alastor, observing the way his features softened as he admired her sanctuary. “You give me too much credit," she laughed lightly, dipping her head in a playful gesture of humility. "Any den could become a palace with enough time and effort." Her voice trailing off as thet settled in.

She watched with wide eyes as her father reached over to the bag slung over his back. Despite his teasing grin, she could see a tenderness in his gaze that hinted at the significance of this moment. Her tail wagged tentatively, eyes shimmering with anticipation as he handed her the gift wrapped in canvas.

As she pulled back the canvas, revealing the wooden plaque beneath, her breath hitched. The carving was beautiful and intricate, and she could tell a lot of time and effort had been put into it. As to what it represented, it took her a minute to connect the dots, but she quickly recognized the markings that represented each member of their family. She could practically feel her father’s love emanating from it. The corners of her mouth tugged upwards as she traced a paw lightly over the engraved symbol that represented her. "It’s beautiful," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, hushed by awestruck. The plaque was exquisite indeed — but it was the sentiment behind it that truly touched her heart. She had always been driven by her family's expectations, often too scared to stray from the well-trodden path they had laid before her. This gift from Alastor, however, felt like an affirmation — he was proud of who she was and what she'd become- what they had all become. And it was a physical emobodiment of that love. She adored it. “I love it, thank you!” She whispered as she leaned in for an embrace. Mariah tucked the plaque comfortably under one foreleg as she nuzzled her father, feeling the warmth of his fur against her own and breathing in his familiar scent. A strange mix of emotions washed over her - pride, love...and something else. Relief, perhaps? She hadn't realized how much she needed this moment- and she was grateful to have it.

Breaking away from her father, she pulled back to look at him. A moment of hesitant deliberation as she weighed her next sentiment before continuing. “And ... thank you for allowing Caedes to be a guest here.” She finished, hoping to convey her genuine appreciation for his open-mindedness.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
06-04-2024, 11:55 PM

Alastor gave a short bark of laughter when Mariah insisted he gave her too much credit and that any den could become a palace. "Maybe, but it takes a creative eye and an ingenious mind to make it so. Both traits you possess in spades, my little love." Alastor thought back to the den he grew up in with a disgusted wrenching in his chest. He thought of the first den he had lived alone in, sparse and empty. Mariah was living the exact opposite of the life he had grown up with—which was exactly what he wanted for her, and for all of his children. He wanted them to have everything he never did.

Alastor sat beside Mariah around the crackling fire while she unwrapped her housewarming gift. Once she revealed the carved wood plaque, all of Al's attention was on her with anxiously held breath. He felt very much like a student showing off their work to their teacher and hoping they approved of it. Mariah studied the carvings, taking them in... and then there was the light of recognition in her argent eyes. Alastor couldn't help the swell of pride and love in his heart when Mariah whispered her admiration of the gift, his own long flowing tail wagging almost out of control. The smile spreading on Alastor's lips couldn't be contained and he immediately received his lean daughter into his powerful forearms in a big bear hug, the kind that could only come from overly affectionate dads. "I'm so glad you like it, Mariah. Crafting isn't really my forte, it's more your older sister's passion, but I wanted to give you something special to display in your new home." Reaching a paw over, Alastor extended a ruby claw to tap at a space of unmarred wood next to Mariah's marking with a knowing smile touching his lips. "I left some space here too, just in case we need to add someone new to our family tree at some point." He was not-so-subtly hinting at the possibility of Caedes one day taking the Soulmating Ceremony and joining their family, an indirect inference that he hoped he chose to stay with Mariah. Small crystalline tears welled up in the corners of Alastor's dark eyes while he craned his neck down to nuzzle Mariah's forehead tenderly, taking in her scent, her presence, just her being back home again. He hadn't realized just how badly he'd missed his children until they had come back home again.

There was a bit of reluctance when Al let Mariah go so she could look up at him. He met her gaze with that ever-present smile of his, softened only ever for his family, while a large ebony paw wiped away the tears from his eyes and he sniffled back the rest. Oh dear, the big bad wolf Alastor was getting all choked up! The next words Mariah spoke with some hesitation yet appreciation didn't take Alastor by surprise. He knew Caedes would tell Mariah about their interaction in the Redbud Nook. He hadn't been trying to keep it a secret, but he hadn't been looking for praise either. He just wanted to do right by his daughter. "You're very welcome, little love. All I ever want in this life is for you to be happy and loved the way you deserve. If Caedes makes you feel both, then I'll do what I can for you both. You deserve to have someone make you feel like the most important wolf in the world." It was a messy situation with the Syndicate and the Saxes—but he wasn't dealing with the Syndicate or Saxes per se. Just Caedes. "But do let him know that if he does anything to hurt you, I'll be happy to show him why nobody fucks around with your dad!" Alastor punctuated his threat with a hearty laugh, grinning from ear to ear, joking around with his daughter and yet also deathly serious at the same time. It had been some time since he'd fed a corpse to the crabs in the shoals.

Ah, but he was deflecting now. Alastor's smile slowly slid off his muzzle the longer he looked at Mariah, battling with himself on how much he should share with his daughter. How much did she really need to know about her sire's fucked up life that led him to make decisions like letting her pursue a relationship with an enemy of their pack? "Just promise me you'll always remember how loved you are, Mariah. By everyone. Me, your mother, your siblings, Caedes... You matter very much. Especially to me." Leaning down again, Alastor would go to plant a gentle kiss on Mariah's crown, just above the swirling white markings around her eyes.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-05-2024, 03:45 PM

Mariah's ears warmed at her father's praise. His words made her heart glow with pride, and she couldn't help but give him a grateful smile. "If you say so," she said, dipping her head in appreciation. His understanding and acceptance of her choices meant more to her than she could put into words. Alastor's appraisal of her abode sent a rosy warmth through her chest, spurring her tail to wag in quiet contentment. He had been right: making this den a home had required a certain blend of creativity and resourcefulness she hadn't thought she possessed. But now, seated by the warm fire and bathed in the glow of familial love, she knew she had found her place, carved her own niche amidst the rocky terrains of Alias Island. His response brought a sparkle to her eyes as she looked down at the plaque, tracing the intricate engravings with a reverent paw. "It's perfect, daddy." her voice wobbled with emotion. "I will cherish it always."

But what she hadn’t been prepared for was the sudden intrusion of emotions at her father's subtle hint. Caedes...joining their family officially? It was an idea that sparked hope- a pleasant dream if nothing else. But she also knew what it would mean to ask that of the Saxe brute. What it would mean to have Caedes represented on this lovely piece of her father’s own craftsmanship. It was something she would simply not ask him to choose out of her own selfishness. Mariah offered an affectionate grin, she was very appreciative of it- of the very thoughtful gesture of her father. Having something so personal, handmade by him, she would treasure it. But in the end, it did bring her a sense of sorrow at the idea of that particular spot being permanently vacant. As she conquered a separate- hidden wave of emotion, she couldn’t help but be a little surprised at herself. She hadn’t realized the idea of Caedes’ absence would effect her in such a way. And for whatever dumb reason now …. seing an empty spot on a decorative wall hanging- and what it represented, left her feeling just as empty. “That’s very thoughtful of you,” she finally managed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Caedes would be honored to know you think so highly of him." She paused, casting a glance back at the plaque, her silver eyes slightly clouded. The reality of their situation hit her once again, a stark reminder of the numerous obstacles they faced.

Shaking off the melancholy thoughts for the moment, she turned back to her father with a sincere smile that didn't quite meet her eyes. "I will find a perfect spot for it," she assured him. It occurred to her then, how much this gift meant - it wasn't just about carving a family tree. It was an affirmation of her newfound maturity and independence, a recognition of her journey thus far. It was a symbol of their shared history and the bond she had with her family.

She had known that her father had approved of her relationship with Caedes to some extent, it was entirely different hearing the blessing directly from him. Mariah listened quietly, a lump forming in her throat as her father spoke. His words were a balm, a reassurance that she hadn’t realized she needed. She hadn’t expected him to understand, not truly – their situation was complicated and messy, after all. But as he voiced his support, echoing his desire for her happiness and love, Mariah felt an overwhelming wave of gratitude for this strong, compassionate wolf who was her father. One willing to threaten the life of another on her behalf. Mariah let out a choked laugh at her father's threat, her heart swelling with reassurance. There was a certain comfort to be had, knowing that someone was always there for her, ready to protect her, even if she didn't necessarily need it. She leaned into his massive form once more, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. Her breath hitched in her throat as she murmured, "Thanks, Dad." It was a simple phrase that held so much meaning.

As Alastor's words washed over her, Mariah felt a comforting warmth spread through her. It was a warm, soothing balm to the frayed edges of her heart. Her father's love was an anchor, tethering her to the reality that she was cherished and important. His tender kiss on her forehead brought a soft, contented sigh from her. It was a simple gesture, but it held so much power, reaffirming their bond and making her feel safe and loved. "Promise," she murmured quietly in response, silver eyes meeting his dark ones with unwavering determination. "I'll never forget it." She could hear the sincerity in her own voice, matching the depth of her words. The whole exchange was flooding her with a mix of emotions - relief, gratitude and a newfound resolution.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
06-16-2024, 09:17 PM

Seeing the surge of emotion on Mariah's face was all the reward the sire wolf could have asked for. Alastor wanted nothing more than to make his children happy, especially Mariah. He felt compelled as her father to give her the best life he could in spite of the terrible start fate had given her. He would never forget the night he'd found her out on the cliff by their home, admitting to feeling lost. He'd never forget the depression he saw her carry as a pup, weighed down by burdens no child should ever have to bear. But seeing her now—older, more mature, stronger, wiser, happier—it was enough to move the brute to tears. As she hung it and mentioned Caedes being honored by how highly he thought of the Saxe brute, Alastor simply shook his head. "I think highly of him because I see how happy he makes you, and any wolf who makes my children happy and whole is a welcome addition to the family." He was going under the assumption that Caedes would be joining their family some day. There was always the possibility that never came to pass, but in Alastor's mind, it was only a matter of when, not if.

When Mariah turned to wrap her forelegs around his trunk in an embrace, Alastor had to swallow back the emotion threatening to choke him up. One giant paw lifted to drape across Mariah's back, holding her close while tears fell down past his smiling lips. "You're welcome, Mariah." Her thanks had never been something she withheld from him, but hearing it now, understanding the gravity those words carried with them for her, for them both, was a powerful thing. He had feared for a time that he'd lost his little girl forever; that her depression might swallow her whole and he'd failed her on a cataclysmic level. Her condition was all his fault, and he wouldn't have blamed her if she had hated him for it. But Mariah only showed him love—the devoted love of a daughter. Their eyes met, argent to obsidian, and she affirmed that she'd always remember her family's love. Alastor responded simply with a big toothy grin and a boop of their noses together. Hey, he was still the silly, playful brute he'd always been, even in a more emotional moment.

Deciding they had had enough of the heavy emotions for now, Alastor sniffled back his tears and wiped the lingering wetness from his eyes with the back of a black paw, trying to recompose himself. "Well, now that I've gone and made a mess of myself, how about we switch to something a little lighter?" Alastor chuckled and smiled down at Mariah, loosening his grip around her so she could pull away if she wished, but not taking his arms from around her otherwise. He'd missed getting to cuddle with the small puppy that used to lie on his chest and back and was clearly trying to make up for lost time. "Tell me all about your journey! Where did you go? What did you learn?"Alastor wanted to hear about it all!

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-18-2024, 11:27 PM

Mariah's ears swiveled at her father's words. It was far easier to allow her attention to settle on hanging the piece he had made for her. She hadn’t really anticipated this level of acceptance, hadn't dared to hope for it. Her gaze remained fixed to the wall hanging as it was displayed in its new home, suddenly too shy to meet her father’s steady gaze. For a long moment, silence hung between them, the only sound being the soft crackling of the fire and their harmonized breathing. Slowly, her silver orbs met her father’s gentle gaze once more, as she was overcome with a sense of gratitude and a profound love for her sire, this great, powerful wolf who had shown her unwavering support through every challenge life had thrown at her.

The warmth of her father's embrace flooded Mariah with a tranquility she hadn't known she was craving. His scent felt like home more than anything else. Being here with him, enveloped in his affectionate hold, allowed her to momentarily forget … well, everything else. Because in this moment, nothing else mattered. His breathing was steady, rhythmic, a soothing lullaby that eased the tension from her body one muscle at a time.

With a gentle nudge against her father's snout and a soft chuckle, she pulled away, her tail playfully flicking against his. Watching him in his jovial state brought a genuine smile to her face. And as she looked up at him, Mariah's silver eyes shimmered in the flickering firelight. She chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "I think I would like that," she said, her voice sounding lighter than it had in a long time. With a gentle push from her delicate paws, she carefully extricated herself from his comforting hold. She shook herself lightly, her black and crimson coat ruffling before settling back into place at his side.

Drawing in a deep breath, Mariah pondered where to start. Her journey had been filled with experiences, lessons, and discoveries that shaped her into who she was now. “Malico and I stayed with Valta for the longest,” Mariah began, casually recounting the core events that happened while she was away. “But we did visit the Hallows as well. We had a nice time at both places.” She added, her expression lighting up with a fond smile as she remembered various moments over the past year. But of course, her time spent in Auster had mostly occurred outside the Hallows’ territory with Caedes. As his family had been preparing for the Norad take over come to find out. Her grin fell at the thought, but she was quick to replace it. “I had the opportunity to train with several skilled healers, including some who were wanderers- those were probably some of my favorite encounters.” Her lessons with Iolaire came to mind- the elderly woman who had advised her how to take better care of herself among other things which was one of the more pivotal conversations she had in her absence.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. I Guess This Means I'm a Grown Up Now? Alias Island 11:24 PM, 05-30-2024 12:13 AM, 10-01-2024