
Deep into the night



The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
05-31-2024, 07:50 PM
Flare had just enough warewithal to concentrate on both his fight, and the white wolf’s. He didn’t entirely trust that the stranger wouldn’t take an opportunistic bite if he got the chance. He saw that the green eyed wolf was able to score a bite on its throat before it pushed him away. This stranger seemed rather fearless, launching a frontal attack again and again. Flare took advantage of the opportunities it created. Ripping deep into the tendon in its back leg while its attention was elsewhere.

It let out a yowl and tried to attack him, but the white wolf was there once more. Taunting and capturing its attention. Flare finished cutting through the tendon in its leg and he felt its weight shift suddenly as the limb became mostly useless. Its cries were many and angry as it was forced to defend itself on two fronts. Each wolf dealing significant damage to the striped creature.

Flare found himself enjoying the fight, trusting in the stranger a little more to keep the cat off his back, and not to take a swipe at him in return. He wasn’t sure of the other’s intention, if he wanted the coat, or had a grudge against the cat. But he’d take the help for the chance to maul the shit out of the predator that had thought to stalk him through the woods.

He was moving on to the second back leg now, narrow avoiding its teeth as it leat back towards him in an attempt to get him off it. There was fear and desperation in its movements now. It realised it wasn’t fighting for a meal, it was fighting for its life… and losing. Its movements, while desperate, were also beginning to slow. Pain and blood loss would be deciding factors in this battle. “Kill it!” Flare called out as he snapped its second leg beneath his long fangs. The white wolf deserved the killing shot, he had been taking the more dangerous position at its front after all.

WC: 341
total: 1343


[Image: gESpex3.png]

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1. Deep into the night The Red Forest 09:13 PM, 05-24-2024 12:22 PM, 07-16-2024