
I Guess This Means I'm a Grown Up Now?



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-01-2024, 11:01 AM

Mariah’s gaze lingered on her father, the soft thrum of happiness at his presence reverberating through her heart. Her curiosity was piqued by the object he carried with him, but for a moment she simply watched as he took in her little sanctuary. His enthusiasm was contagious and she found herself grinning back at him.

Mariah watched as her father wandered the den, his warm gaze taking in every detail of the space she called home. His words filled her with a pride that radiated from her like heat from a hearth. It wasn't often that she sought validation, but coming from her father, it meant the world to her. She moved to sit by the fire's warmth, tucking her lean frame into a comfortable position. Her silver eyes remained fixed on Alastor, observing the way his features softened as he admired her sanctuary. “You give me too much credit," she laughed lightly, dipping her head in a playful gesture of humility. "Any den could become a palace with enough time and effort." Her voice trailing off as thet settled in.

She watched with wide eyes as her father reached over to the bag slung over his back. Despite his teasing grin, she could see a tenderness in his gaze that hinted at the significance of this moment. Her tail wagged tentatively, eyes shimmering with anticipation as he handed her the gift wrapped in canvas.

As she pulled back the canvas, revealing the wooden plaque beneath, her breath hitched. The carving was beautiful and intricate, and she could tell a lot of time and effort had been put into it. As to what it represented, it took her a minute to connect the dots, but she quickly recognized the markings that represented each member of their family. She could practically feel her father’s love emanating from it. The corners of her mouth tugged upwards as she traced a paw lightly over the engraved symbol that represented her. "It’s beautiful," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, hushed by awestruck. The plaque was exquisite indeed — but it was the sentiment behind it that truly touched her heart. She had always been driven by her family's expectations, often too scared to stray from the well-trodden path they had laid before her. This gift from Alastor, however, felt like an affirmation — he was proud of who she was and what she'd become- what they had all become. And it was a physical emobodiment of that love. She adored it. “I love it, thank you!” She whispered as she leaned in for an embrace. Mariah tucked the plaque comfortably under one foreleg as she nuzzled her father, feeling the warmth of his fur against her own and breathing in his familiar scent. A strange mix of emotions washed over her - pride, love...and something else. Relief, perhaps? She hadn't realized how much she needed this moment- and she was grateful to have it.

Breaking away from her father, she pulled back to look at him. A moment of hesitant deliberation as she weighed her next sentiment before continuing. “And ... thank you for allowing Caedes to be a guest here.” She finished, hoping to convey her genuine appreciation for his open-mindedness.

"Mariah Mendacium"