




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
06-02-2024, 04:20 AM

she's met with the tense demeanor of Eltrys- quite the norm these days for the male. it began to leave a sour taste in her mouth as she approached then, halting near his left as she stood to peer down at his injury from some feet aways. she did not scurry to assist him like she might've in the past. as she too, had some things going on. her own frustrations. he struck a sensitive cord that fueled her slight defiance here & now. "You know.. I am more than a healer, Eltrys." she stared with confrontational eyes, brows slightly furrowed as she sighed. melisande wanted to be treated as more than as asset. she grew fed up with how members in her pack did not do the least to check on her, to socialize with her or attempt to know her. it was as if she did not know these wolves at heart.. & to be honest.., she probably didn't.
the occasionally thought of leaving Polaris fluttered in her mind for a second as she caught his icy glare once more. she glanced at the carving then, wondering for a moment of what he was doing prior to her arrival. everyone seemed to be doing away with their own things.. distracting themselves from the literal fall of ethne. "Here, let me see, please." she reminded him of mannerism hopefully-, pressing her lips as she came to sit near him, dropping her previous activities to tend to him with undivided care. "We've not formally met. I am Mélisande. A healer and your packmate." her feminine voice filled the air, undeniably sweet against her will. a naturally pleasant voice she could not grow out of, despite being irritated. "Now, may I please see the wound closer?"

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by alo

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