
Deep into the night



Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
06-03-2024, 12:23 PM

Back and forth the cat went as the wolves ganged up on the creature, maybe if it hadn't decided to prey upon the true lords of the forest here, it might have made it to another day.

Ollie could feel its desperation as its claws grasped one of his shoulders and its screams echoed through the woods. He felt the weight shift as he pummeled and shook the cat with his teeth around its scruff. It twisted around and threw its paws into the air trying to get a better angle on its attackers. Ollie was already adjusting his grip for its neck, his long nose made it past the short nose of the cat and gripped its trachea to put it out of its misery, just after the coal male shouted his command to kill it. The tiger wrapped its mighty paws around Ollie and tried to gather its back legs to scrape his belly but the stranger had already disabled its legs and it moved them pitifully.

The creature held Ollie in its desperate embrace until death embraced its last breath. The claws lost traction and its paws fell limp. Oleander shook the beast just to be sure it had truly left this plane of existence.

He let go and let his tongue loll while he panted, his limbs suddenly draining of the adrenaline and fatigue gripped them finally. He sat heavily on his rump while he recovered from the fight, his green eyes mere slits in his white face. Blooms of blood from scratches began to appear in his pure white coat. At this point the pain was prickling and annoying but not a distraction or debilitating. He'll get his brother to patch those spots up later.

With a deep breath he finally looked up at the black and ember wolf, funny, if Iggy and Bas had a kid, Ollie wouldn't be surprised if it came out like this one. It would never happen though of course. Their relationship wasn't like that at least. Bas would never allow it anyway.

"Thanks, good fight. You good? I can patch you up if it got you anywhere." He said regaining his breath. He was still a little shakey from the exertion, and might even be a bit weak. But he wouldn't let someone walk away if they needed medical attention.


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1. Deep into the night The Red Forest 09:13 PM, 05-24-2024 12:22 PM, 07-16-2024