




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
06-05-2024, 12:12 AM

One of the best aspects of being a free agent rambler in this world was having the absolute freedom to decide whatever you wanted to do with your days. Juniper could be on Alias Island one day living it up with the Mendacium couple that led Elysium and another she could be down in the balmy summer of Auster, munching on fresh grapes while sunbathing by the sea. She had no responsibilities or duties to anyone, no schedule to keep, no obligations or tasks or mandatory work. All she had was her mind, body, and spirit, and the great wide world at her paws! Was there ever a more liberating existence? She surely couldn't think of one!

After departing from Elysium earlier that day, Juniper had headed south through snowy Boreas to nowhere in particular. She knew she wanted to get out and stretch her legs, but where she would end up was anyone's guess. With the Sun and Stars guiding her, the little wolf traveled south and skirted past Valta's lands, climbing along the side of the volcano and winding her way down into the cherry blossom grove of Redbud Nook—though granted right now, those beautiful trees were all barren and lightly dusted with snow. Once spring hit, this place would be a gorgeous masterpiece of nature! But right now, it was just kind of... dead. Wandering through the ho-hum of mid-winter, June was idly surveying the lands when a flash of bright gold caught her attention. Mint green eyes did a double take, and- yep! There was another one of those huge wolves sitting in a clearing amongst the bare trees, his gold and white fur practically gleaming in the winter sun.

Juniper was ordinarily an outgoing and extroverted traveler, often stopping to converse with wolves she met along the road just to hear their stories and get to know them. That was how she had wound up in a casual threesome with the Elysian wolves, after all! So, with curiosity and camaraderie driving her, June followed the trail of massive paw prints through the snow and closer to the golden wolf. As she got nearer, she realized he wasn't just massive, but also had an adorable mohawk mane and saber teeth poking out of his mouth like her brother and sire did! With her confident smile on her muzzle and a bit of swagger in her stride, June crunched through the snow up to the wolf, knowing he'd hear her approach with all this fresh powder all over the ground. "The world's kinda beautiful when it's like this, isn't it?" she asked to break the ice, gazing out over the wintry forest. "I like the way the forest looks with all the snow. It's so peaceful, so quiet." Turning her mint eyes up to the dire brute, Juniper flashed him a toothy smile, tiny tail giving a gentle wag in the snow behind her. "Sorry, hope I'm not bothering you. I'm Juniper, and you looked like you could use some company."

"Juniper of the Sea"