




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
06-04-2024, 11:36 PM
Arcturus wandered out toward the nearby grove of trees, a bit aimless and a bit with purpose. He didn't know exactly where he wanted to be, but he knew he didn't want to be near the familiar sights of Valta's lands for a little while. He had spent the morning settling into a new den and hunting to get new pelts to make a bed. He didn't know what Vanille planned to do now, but he refused to ask her for anything that they had shared and didn't want to continue living in the den they had shared even if she did decide to stay in Valta. He needed to start fresh if he had any hope of moving on and moving to the other side of the territory near the bottom of the falls was the best he was going to get without changing packs. The thought had crossed his mind to strike out on his own, maybe go visit the Armada and rekindle some kind of relationship with his distant relatives, but with his mom in the condition she was in and with Tira here he knew he couldn't leave.

He sighed and walked slowly through the bare trees. They were past the halfway point of winter so the breeze held the slightest bit of warmth that spoke of spring on the horizon, but it was still quite cold and there was a thin blanket of snow across everything. His large paws crunched through the snow, leaving a trail of paw prints behind him wherever he went. After a while he found a spot with one of the larger trees in the area near a clearing and he settled on his haunches beneath it. He could probably do a bit more hunting while he was out here to continue bolstering the pack's stores and get himself another pelt or two, but for now he just rested and looked out across the landscape, quietly contemplating his decision to break off his relationship.

"Arcturus Indarra"



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
06-05-2024, 12:12 AM

One of the best aspects of being a free agent rambler in this world was having the absolute freedom to decide whatever you wanted to do with your days. Juniper could be on Alias Island one day living it up with the Mendacium couple that led Elysium and another she could be down in the balmy summer of Auster, munching on fresh grapes while sunbathing by the sea. She had no responsibilities or duties to anyone, no schedule to keep, no obligations or tasks or mandatory work. All she had was her mind, body, and spirit, and the great wide world at her paws! Was there ever a more liberating existence? She surely couldn't think of one!

After departing from Elysium earlier that day, Juniper had headed south through snowy Boreas to nowhere in particular. She knew she wanted to get out and stretch her legs, but where she would end up was anyone's guess. With the Sun and Stars guiding her, the little wolf traveled south and skirted past Valta's lands, climbing along the side of the volcano and winding her way down into the cherry blossom grove of Redbud Nook—though granted right now, those beautiful trees were all barren and lightly dusted with snow. Once spring hit, this place would be a gorgeous masterpiece of nature! But right now, it was just kind of... dead. Wandering through the ho-hum of mid-winter, June was idly surveying the lands when a flash of bright gold caught her attention. Mint green eyes did a double take, and- yep! There was another one of those huge wolves sitting in a clearing amongst the bare trees, his gold and white fur practically gleaming in the winter sun.

Juniper was ordinarily an outgoing and extroverted traveler, often stopping to converse with wolves she met along the road just to hear their stories and get to know them. That was how she had wound up in a casual threesome with the Elysian wolves, after all! So, with curiosity and camaraderie driving her, June followed the trail of massive paw prints through the snow and closer to the golden wolf. As she got nearer, she realized he wasn't just massive, but also had an adorable mohawk mane and saber teeth poking out of his mouth like her brother and sire did! With her confident smile on her muzzle and a bit of swagger in her stride, June crunched through the snow up to the wolf, knowing he'd hear her approach with all this fresh powder all over the ground. "The world's kinda beautiful when it's like this, isn't it?" she asked to break the ice, gazing out over the wintry forest. "I like the way the forest looks with all the snow. It's so peaceful, so quiet." Turning her mint eyes up to the dire brute, Juniper flashed him a toothy smile, tiny tail giving a gentle wag in the snow behind her. "Sorry, hope I'm not bothering you. I'm Juniper, and you looked like you could use some company."

"Juniper of the Sea"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
06-09-2024, 08:26 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2024, 12:30 AM by Arcturus. Edited 2 times in total.)
He was admittedly lost in his own thoughts and it wasn't until the crunch of paws through snow finally pulled him back to reality that he looked toward the noise and saw the small gray-hued woman that was approaching him. He blinked with surprise since he had been fairly certain that he was alone out here, but clearly he had been less observant than he thought. Her scent didn't hold any one particular pack scent so he guessed that she must be a loner. She was dramatically smaller than he was–almost the same height as Satira, if he had to guess–but was very pretty with subtle but striking markings and deep mint eyes.

He almost didn't register that she had spoken and he had to catch up a bit as he replied, "Oh, um... Yeah, it really is," to her comment about how beautiful it was out here. He looked back out at the snow covered woods with a nod of agreement as she mentioned how peaceful and quiet it was. "I don't always love the cold, but I do love the way snow looks." Suddenly the landscape was far less interesting through as he looked back down at her, the charming way she smiled catching his attention again. As she introduced herself and apologized for bothering him, he returned her smile with a grin of his own and gave her a little shake of his head. "Oh, no, it's alright. You're not bothering me. I probably do need some company." Sitting out here on his own probably wasn't the healthiest choice, but he hadn't felt like admitting what he'd decided to do to his family just yet so it was easier to spend some time on his own–or perhaps with a stranger. "It's nice to meet you, Juniper. I'm Arcturus."

"Arcturus Indarra"



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
06-18-2024, 10:47 PM

Her presence beside him clearly hadn't been detected, because the moment she spoke up, Juniper saw the golden giant's body jump with a start, the biggest blue eyes she'd ever seen turning down to gawk at her. She giggled and offered him an apologetic smile. "Sorry! Didn't mean to startle ya." He agreed with her assessment that the world looked beautiful covered in snow, then admitted to not always liking the cold but liking how the snow looked. Hmm, it was a conundrum for sure. "Well, they tend to go paw in paw, unfortunately. At least, I haven't heard of warm snow before." June snickered to herself, quite tickled by her own humor.

After she introduced herself, the giant brute gave his name to her. Arcturus—just Arcturus. Okay, she could roll with that. He gave her permission to stay and keep him company, reasoning that it would probably do him some good. "Well if company's what you need, then it's company I can provide," she remarked, coming closer to sit beside him, their absurd difference in size truly highlighted when they were next to one another. A cold breeze rippled through Juniper's thick winter coat, and the vagabond fae tipped her muzzle up into it to welcome it like an old friend. A smile sat easy on her face as her fur was tousled and ruffled by the wind. "Ahhh, smell that air! It smells like freedom... like adventure!" Looking up at Arc again, the petite fae tipped her head to one side, considering him. "So how come you're out here all on your own just staring at the world, Arcturus?" What was his story, she wondered?

"Juniper of the Sea"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
06-24-2024, 12:47 AM
Without really realizing it, a grin pulled at his lips at Juniper's laughter as she giggled at her own humor about warm snow. He had never really felt like being alone bothered him that much, but it was always when he found someone to spend his time with that he was reminded how much better he felt with company. Luckily, Juniper was plenty agreeable to providing that company and immediately came to sit beside him. The wind picked up a bit and ruffled his thick mane and he smirked a little at how Juniper seemed to almost enjoy the cold breeze. Her comment about the air smelling like freedom and adventure made him chuckle, that slightly silly grin returning to his lips again. He didn't know what he had done to have a pretty, little lady like her suddenly decide to pay attention to him, but he was very glad for the welcome distraction.

Ah, but then she asked the very fair question of why he was out here on his own. He supposed he could have easily just said he was enjoying nature or doing some scouting–which wasn't entirely a lie–but something about the way Juniper looked at him and seemed to be actually curious about him made him feel like he should be honest. He gave her a kind of awkward grin and glanced away as he replied, "Ah... Well, uh... I broke up with my girlfriend kind of recently after being together a long time so I guess I was just trying to clear my head or something." He shrugged and looked back out toward the trees ahead of them as his gray ears flicked back uncertainly. He didn't want to bring down the mood of what was so far becoming a really nice interaction with a potential new friend, but he couldn't really avoid the elephant in the room either.

"Arcturus Indarra"



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
06-24-2024, 02:21 AM

With just a little bit of her company and conversation, Juniper saw Arcturus spring back to life like a wilting flower soaking up the sun. It brought a happy smile to the little wolf's muzzle. She didn't like seeing others sad, and if she could do a little something to brighten their days, well, she was all for making the world a better place one wolf at a time. Their conversation had been going pretty pleasantly so far, June even managing to earn a goofy lopsided smile from the giant brute with her sense of humor—until she asked what he had been doing out here on his own. Just like that, Arc's good mood began to deflate, and she realized she'd asked the wrong question. Juniper's smile faltered a bit, looking to him with empathy in her eyes while he revealed the truth behind his solitude. A recently made bachelor after a long term relationship. Oof, yeah, that stung to hear.

"That's rough, buddy. I'm sorry, Arc." She didn't know if he minded being called Arc or preferred his full name, but she figured he'd let her know if he did. Relationships weren't really something Juniper had a lot of experience with. Her father had always touted the benefits of free love and finding your life partner when the time was right, so commitment had never been something Juniper had ever sought out or expected from any of her romantic partners. However, that didn't mean she couldn't empathize with his feelings of loss. "I hope your heart heals swiftly, Arcturus. You seem like a sweet guy with a kind soul. You'll have faes clambering for you in no time."

Juniper offered Arc a reassuring grin and patted his giant paw with one of her tiny ones, still amused by their radical size difference when put into perspective. "And if that's not really your speed right now, then hey, you're a good looking brute! You'll have no problem getting faes to lift their tails for you. You could just fuck the melancholy away! No better way to vent frustrations and feel better than by getting laid!" It was said mostly in humor to make him laugh and smile again, but hey, there was truth behind her humor. Juniper looked over Arcturus, admiring his size, his build, everything physical that made him who he was. June could appreciate the beauty of a wolf's body, brute or fae, and Arc was indeed a damn good looking brute!

"Juniper of the Sea"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
06-27-2024, 11:40 AM
Arcturus shifted his gaze back down to Juniper's as she gave him her condolences and reassurances, giving her a thankful smile and a little nod in response. He wanted to assure her that it was okay, that he would be fine, but that almost felt like a lie right now and he didn't want to lie to her. He knew logically that he would be fine and that this was hardly the hardest blow he had ever had to deal with in his life, but that was hard facts to tell his heart right now. He didn't know about having faes 'clambering' for him, as she put it, but one day he was sure he'd figure out how to move on.

What caught him of guard though, and what pulled him back away from the depressive thoughts with a sputtering laugh, was Juniper patting his paw as she assured him that he would have no issue getting faes to 'lift their tails' for him and that he could 'fuck the melancholy away'. His eyes went wide at the suggestion and he choked a bit with his own shock and laughter, but he quickly recovered as he cleared his throat and grinned with a shake of his head. "Oh! I uh... Wow, um... Thank you? I think?" he stammered, his face feeling red hot as he blushed at the idea. He wasn't a virgin, of course, but he and Vanille had only made love a couple of times in the whole span of their relationship and he had never been with anyone else so the idea of venting his frustrations via sex or that women would be so eager to sleep with him nearly knocked him over.

It wasn't like the concept of having multiple lovers or sleeping around was foreign to him–he and his only sister had different fathers, after all–but it had just never been something he had pursued himself. He had been with Vanille just about as long as he had been old enough to be sexually active so it wasn't like he'd really had the chance to even think about it. "I don't think I'd even know where to begin," he admitted with a sheepish grin. Juniper seemed way more confident and spoke so much more freely about this stuff than he felt like he could so he felt like maybe if he could follow her lead he might have an easier time. "Do you... I mean, you really think faes would want to do that? Is that... normal? For faes to want to sleep with brutes so... casually?"

"Arcturus Indarra"



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
06-28-2024, 11:15 PM

Juniper had not been expecting the visceral reaction that came from Arcturus the moment she mentioned sleeping around as his way of getting over his breakup. She recoiled back a bit from the sputtering brute as he choked on his own laughter, concern in her mint green eyes while she looked at him and wondered if he was about to need CPR. Jeez, she hadn't been expecting that sort of response! He stammered out a jumbled response, clearly too taken aback by her bluntness to know what to say or do. "Uhh... you're welcome?" she replied, equally as surprised by him as he had been by her. Sex had always been such an open and nonchalant topic for her free-love type parents, so it still surprised her that there were wolves who didn't embrace their sexualities and freedoms so readily. It was almost second nature to June.

When Arcturus eventually admitted that he had no idea where to even begin, it was then that Juniper began to realize the scope of what he was saying. He was inexperienced when it came to picking up girls or having noncommittal relations with them. Just how long had he been with this girlfriend that dumped him? He asked, a bit trepidatious, if she really thought faes would want to just have sex with him and if it was normal for faes to want to hook up with brutes casually. Juniper gave a bit of a snorting laugh and cast Arc an incredulous smirk. "Uh, yeah? Sex feels good and is a lot of fun, isn't it? Who doesn't wanna feel good and have fun?" She assumed he wasn't a virgin at least and would know the basics about fucking and pleasure, but maybe he was far more innocent than she thought. "Okay, yeah, not every fae is into casual stuff like that. Some want whole relationships before they put out, but don't think that's the rule for all of us. Some of us just reeeeeally like getting off, and we can have casual sex just as easily as you brutes can." Juniper shot Arc a grin and batted her paw against his, looking cute as a button while she giggled at her own comment.

"It sounds to me like maybe you need a self-confidence booster, Arc. So let's boost your confidence up, big boy!" Turning in place so she could face him directly, Juniper sat up straight and curled her tail around her, smiling up at him as her mint eyes held his sapphire ones. "You can practice on me. Go ahead, try hitting on me! Flirt, schmooze, seduce me. Just relax and have fun with it, and maybe you'll end up having even more fun later." Giving him another toothy grin, June waited to see what the big golden brute was capable of when it came to his charisma. And she'd play along with him to help jump start his confidence and ego, and soon enough he'd be plowing faes like no tomorrow!

"Juniper of the Sea"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
07-08-2024, 10:22 PM
He knew it was kind of a silly question when he asked it. His own mother had multiple lovers and his sister was certainly not shy about what kept her and her boyfriend occupied more often than not. Still, after being with Vanille for pretty much all of his adult life and navigating this weird dance of loving her and not wanting to make her uncomfortable but having to ignore and suppress his own desires because of it... It just felt weird to think about faes being so willing and eager to jump straight to the opposite end of what he was used to. If Vanille was on one end of the spectrum then Juniper was on the other. He was quickly beginning to realize that he had hidden a lot of the guilt and disappointment he had built up in his previous relationship under a belief that what he was experiencing was the norm and the more passionate and physical kinds of relationships were the rarity. Clearly he had just been telling himself lies to make himself feel better.

Arc returned Juniper's grin with one of his own, but he was still obviously baffled and shellshocked by the whole turn of events and how easily and freely she was speaking about these things. When she declared that he needed a self confidence booster he blinked with surprise and looked at her with a raised, confused brow. What was she going to do to boost his confidence? Did his confidence really seem that low? He watched as she turned to face him properly, sitting neatly and looking up at him expectantly with beautiful mint eyes. If anyone would have asked him what she might have as a 'confidence booster' for him, he certainly wouldn't have guessed the challenge she gave him to flirt with her and seduce her with the promise that it might end up with having even more fun later. "More f- oh," he began to question before it suddenly clicked what she meant in his oblivious mind and he caught himself. "Oh! Oh, um... okay," he replied uncertainly, giving her a bashful grin as he shifted to turn toward her to face her as well.

Gods, where did he even start?! He had found Vanille when he was still pretty young so there hadn't really been much courting or trying to flirt with her. They had just kind of grown together and eventually feelings for one another had developed from there. He had never in his life tried to hit on a fae! He glanced down at his own paws for a moment to try and settle his nerves before he brought his gaze back to hers. Again he was struck by how beautiful her eyes were and what a unique color they were. It wasn't like June wasn't beautiful or lacking in things he could at least compliment about her. "Your eyes are really beautiful," he finally managed after a moment of collecting his thoughts, giving her a lopsided grin. Just relax and have fun with it he reminded himself as he lifted his paw and was quickly reminded of just how small she was compared to him when he lifted one of his white-tipped paws to her cheek, his grin growing a little wider and more sure as he brushed across her cheek and gently cupped it to keep her gaze on his. "They're such a unique color, they suit you so well."

"Arcturus Indarra"



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
07-08-2024, 11:18 PM

Sweet Arcturus seemed so taken aback by her cavalier attitude and directness that it was almost too adorable to handle! Juniper had to conceal a giggle behind one tiny paw as he mentally worked out the innuendo in her words, and once the meaning had gotten through to him, he looked just like a shy pup telling his first crush he liked her. He really was too damn precious. His ex-girlfriend had no idea what kind of a sweet guy she had given up. Oh well, her loss, Juniper's gain! The tiny fae sat stock still and perfectly postured while Arc tried to gather his thoughts and come up with some kind of game plan, eager to see what the big guy had in him. He was so nervous, but June didn't rush him or hurry him along. She gave him all the time he needed, sitting there with him in the snow, all smiles and patience. Her patience was eventually rewarded when the giant golden brute looked up at her again and complimented her eyes, earning himself a genuine smile from the petite fae.

Those mint eyes he was taken by sparkled with delight and pride as she giggled again. "There ya go, big guy! Not bad for your first shot at flirting," she remarked, showering him in that positive reinforcement she knew brutes went gaga for. She grinned back up at him, flashing her teeth in a bright smile and batting her long lashes up at him. "You've got a really great smile, Arc. It really brightens up your whole face," she complimented him back, reaching a paw over to pat his much, much larger one. "I hope you always have a reason to smile. It makes you even more handsome than you already are." June shot a wink up at the giant brute, relaxing back into her seated position, tail wagging slowly behind her. She was having a lot of fun with him already. "Go on, try another. And this time, don't be afraid to get a little risqué with it. I know you've got some tension in you. Why not try letting it out?" Juniper knew that if he was this shy around a topic like sex, then he had to have some stuff pent up inside of him. She was giving him full permission to vent some of it and see how creative he could be. Not every fae would like the bold, lewd flirting, but she certainly did, and he seemed like he needed the outlet bad.

"Juniper of the Sea"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
07-31-2024, 02:53 PM
Juniper praised his attempt at flirting and he couldn't help but respond with a goofy grin as his tail wagged in response. It was silly, but it was still nice to feel like he was doing something right and wasn't making a complete fool of himself. He hadn't really been expecting her to pass a compliment back to him with this little "training" session of sorts she was giving him, but her comment about his smile make his cheeks flush a bit and his grin widened with a bashfulness at the unexpected comment. Before he could thank her she reached over to pat his paw, adding that she hoped he always had a reason to smile. That caught him off guard in a way that he was sure she had no way to predict. He really hadn't been given many reasons to really smile in his life and Vanille had been his one constant source of happiness–at least for a little while–and now even that was gone. Meeting Juniper was really becoming more of a highlight than the little woman probably knew.

He chuckled as she winked and sat back once more and he tried to hold on to that light, playful feeling that she had created with her game, but it was pretty hard to keep that emotion that her wish for him had caused from seeping through to the surface. Her next challenge for him left him at even more of a loss than the first as she told him to try again, but to get a little more risqué with it. She wasn't wrong that there was plenty of tension that had never really had a consistent outlet that he would certainly want to let out, but knowing what to say or how to say it was hard. He looked at her in a complete loss for a moment as he tried to think of a risqué flirt, but all he could really think about was what he would want to do with her and to her to let out this "tension" as she put it. Finally, it dawned on him. Why did those have to be mutually exclusive?

"I do hope we get to the fun you mentioned," he said after a moment of thought, a sly grin pulling at his lips. "I can't stop thinking about how much I'd like to scoop you up and let out this tension." He lowered his head to bring his muzzle closer to hers, peering down into her captivating mint gaze. He still felt like he was making things up as he went, but she was making it easy to try. "You know, I've never gotten to taste a fae before..." he rumbled quietly, bringing his lips within inches of hers, letting all of his attention be drawn into her and distracting himself from his own uncertainty as he just let his own desire speak for him. "You could be my first... I bet you're delicious."

"Arcturus Indarra"



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
08-06-2024, 04:14 PM

But by the Moon and Stars, he was so adorable the way he blushed and smiled shyly when she complimented his smile! Juniper couldn't help but giggle at how easy it was to get a brute all excited with some simple genuine compliments, but judging by Arcturus' wagging tail, it had been exactly what he needed. Then, when she thought he couldn't get any cuter, Arc looked totally bamboozled when she tasked him with amping up the salaciousness in his flirting. Aww, poor boy! It was clear that he was still pretty novice at sex and romance, so June hoped she wasn't pushing him too far too fast. He was such a sweet guy and he clearly needed an ego boost in the wake of his breakup, but maybe this was too much for him in one sitting?

Just as Juniper was about to backpedal and ease off the gas a bit to keep from shorting the poor guy out, Arc surprised her by meeting her gaze with a sly grin and a comment about hoping they got to have some of that fun she mentioned. June blinked, pleasantly surprised as he talked about wanting to scoop her up and let out his tension on her. The little smile on her muzzle gradually grew into a wider, sultry grin, mint green eyes shining mischievously as a peel of girly laughter escaped her. His words sent a pleasant little tingle down her back to her belly. Now he was getting into the swing of things! Arcturus brought his big head down to her level, holding her gaze with those deep sapphire eyes as he spoke in rumbling tones of never getting to taste a fae before. June's heart skipped an excited beat at the prospect of getting to introduce him to all new sexual acts he'd only ever dreamed of! Call her a generous lover, but nothing excited Juniper quite like giving her partners the time of their lives.

With his muzzle so close to hers that she could feel his warm breath against her lips, it was easy for Juniper to reach forward and catch his face with her tiny forepaws, gently holding his head by his cheeks while she batted her lashes at him and fixed Arc with seductive, heavy-lidded eyes. "You've been missing out then, Arc..." she purred in reply, leaning closer so she could slowly plant an enticing lick along the underside of his jaw and over his chin, letting her tongue ever so slowly pull along the short scruffy fur. Stroking his cheeks in gentle circles, June leaned her lips closer to his, keeping her smoldering gaze locked on his. "How about you scoop me up and carry me off to your place so you can find out how delicious I am, big boy?" Before he could answer, Juniper pushed her lips against Arc's in a slow, simmering kiss, letting him get just a taste of the heat and passion she was offering him.

"Juniper of the Sea"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
08-28-2024, 12:00 PM
The peel of laughter and the wider grin that he earned with his comments made his tail wag excitedly behind him again, feeling a bit like a pup getting praise for something he did well. Her reactions were their own kind of reward and he could quickly see how he could be addicted to doing things that made her look at him like that. He grinned proudly and was about to lift his head when she stopped him with her delicate paws on either side of his face. Her turquoise gaze took on an even more sultry, seductive look, reeling his full, captivated attention back into her once again. It felt like it was effortless for her to have him hanging on her every word as she insisted that he had been missing out. The lick she left along the underside of his jaw sent a shiver up his spine and it took all of his self control to make sure he didn't look absolutely dumbfounded by the surprise affection.

If he wasn't already ready to scoop this tiny wolf off of her paws and cary her away, he most certainly was the moment she told him to do just that so that he could find out how delicious she was. If it wasn't for her lips finding his he probably would have looked at her with his mouth hanging open like an idiot, but luckily she kissed him instead and gave him a focus for the intense spike of lust that she had sparked in his belly. A low, rumbling sound of desire escaped him as he returned her kiss, pressing back into her lips and letting his large paw come up to the back of her head to hold her gently and keep her from pulling away as he savored the feeling of her lips on his for a lingering moment. His instincts and desires completely took over and overrode his uncertainty and inexperience, his tongue finding hers as he began to make out with her for a few moments until he finally broke away gently with a soft gasp.

A wide grin pulled across his lips and his sapphire gaze blinked open to find hers again as he chuckled, his paw shifting down from the back of her head to her waist as he finally answered her question, saying, "I can't imagine doing anything else right now, little lady." His strong foreleg slipped around her waist and he quite literally scooped her up, pulling her up onto his back and settling her there among his mane before he went off back the way he came to his den. "Hold on tight, beautiful." If he wasn't so single minded and driven by this ravenous desire that she had lit on fire like a match to kindling then he probably would have thought twice about bringing a stranger into pack territory unannounced, but his den was near the border by the falls anyway so he wouldn't be taking her far and he could hardly wait to get her into his bed. Their meeting had escalated far quicker than he could have ever imagined, but he had held himself back for so, so long and June offered him up everything he had been wanting on a silver platter. It was impossible for him not to take it as soon as she gave him the green light to do so.

He brought her to his modest den that was just inside Obscura's territory and quickly ducked inside, lowering himself to his belly on the large spread of furs so that she could slip off onto the bed. There was very little in the space beyond the bed itself and his armor that was laying on the floor near the entrance. It was pretty obvious that he hadn't been living in this space long and it was very much set up for utilitarian function rather than looks. A bachelor pad if there ever was one. Once she was laying on the bed with him he shifted and rolled onto his side to face her, his foreleg reaching out to wrap around her lower back once again and pulling her close till their chests were pressed together with a sly grin. He realized suddenly how fast his heart was beating–from excitement or nervousness he didn't know, but he hoped it didn't give him away too badly. "How's that for carrying you away?" he joked with a chuckle, bringing his muzzle to hers again and giving the end of her muzzle a teasing lick.

"Arcturus Indarra"



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
08-29-2024, 05:53 PM

Teasing and playing with Arcturus was becoming a game all in itself to Juniper. He was such a good sport and a sharp student for her silly little lessons on how to be seductive and sexy, she couldn't help but want to play along with him and reward him for his effort. Those surprised expressions on his face whenever she said something he really liked or teased him with little affections made June's heart race with excitement, the thrill of anticipation of what she knew they were working towards riling her up. When her lips slowly claimed his in a heated kiss, Juniper felt and tasted Arcturus' murrs of desire, feeling his body beginning to melt under her ministrations—and then he was suddenly taking charge, one giant paw coming up to grab her by the back of her head and crush his mouth to hers. Juniper made a soft sound of surprised delight in reply, her body tensing briefly but quickly relaxing against his touch as she kissed him deeply and passionately back. Mint green eyes slowly disappeared behind fluttering eyelids as she caressed Arc's cheeks with her tiny paws, tasting his tongue in her maw as they made out for a few long moments, making the petite fae moan softly into the dire brute's mouth.

Then just as quickly as their passion had started, Arcturus was pulling back, leaving both wolves gasping for breath with a single silver strand of saliva bridging their muzzles. Green eyes blinked open to find the rich blue of his sapphires, meeting his grin with a sultry one of her own. Arc suddenly scooped her up by her waist, making June yip in surprise as she was tossed up onto the massive brute's back, riding him like a stallion while he carried her off to where she assumed his den was. Juniper giggled and grinned, tiny paws weaving her digits into his thick mane as he raced over the snowy ground, carrying her off to ravage her and use her to slake all his pent up lusts—and June couldn't wait! It wasn't a far trek from where they'd been, but interestingly enough Arc did carry her over a border into pack lands to get her to his den. Juniper raised a curious brow, shooting Arcturus a wily grin as she realized he was breaking all sorts of rules just to get laid. She was quite proud of him for thinking with his cock right now!

Once into pack lands, Arcturus carried Juniper into his den, a spacious and modestly furnished place that screamed "bachelor pad" to her. But that worked just fine for little miss Juniper Dawn. All she needed was a comfy bed and a few hours and she'd have Arc panting and spent before the day was done. Arc carried her directly over to his expansive bed of furs and laid down on his belly, giving June the perfect means to slide down off of him and onto the bed. She deliberately didn't try to catch herself, letting her slide right from Arc's back onto her own back on the bed. The furs he'd chosen were soft and plush, and definitely good for fucking in. Arcturus turned to her as they settled in together on his bed, pulling her small slender body closer to his until her chest and belly were pressing to his, playing around with her and asking how he'd done for carrying her away. "Y'know, I can't say I've ever had anyone literally sweep me off my paws before," she teased him back, giggling as he licked the end of her snout before returning his slow lick over his lips and nose. "That was pretty hot, Goldie. I like the way you manhandle me."

Fixing Arc with a seductive grin and heavy lidded bedroom eyes, June slowly slid her paws across his broad, wide chest, feeling up every taut muscle she could reach. He was quite the athletic build; slim around the midsection but stocky, his body tapering like an athlete. He looked so damn cute with his fluffy mane around his head and neck, and those saber fangs were just begging to nibble at her skin! A lusty chill made Juniper's body quiver against Arc's. Wordlessly, June slowly lifted her muzzle back up to meet his again, pressing a slow, savoring kiss to the golden brute's lips. When she pulled her mouth from his a few seconds later, June batted those heavy lidded eyes up at him again and whispered against his mouth, "Wanna find out what a fae tastes like now, Arcturus...?"

"Juniper of the Sea"