
A Diamond In The Rough

Tazzy exploring



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
06-10-2024, 11:27 PM
Enki lounges underneath the tall palm tree, its fan-like leaves offering some very welcomed shade after traveling in a seemingly endless desert. Tongue lolls from his mouth as he pants slightly, the walk, while prepared for, had still long and hot for the pale man. The sun sparkles on the crystalline surface of the cool water, another wonderful reprieve from the endless dunes that can make wolves go crazy from unquenchable thirst. Each hot breath of wind that tickles his coat and teases the short blades of grass around him makes him grateful that they decided to visit now, in the winter months.

It feels like they are hidden from the prying eyes of passersby, as if this is their own personal oasis that has been unspoiled by any other wolves. Leaves wave as softer breeze winds its way over the dunes, gently pushing granules along the top of ridges until they are forced to tumble down the sides and find a new home. For winter, the leaves and grass around here are still a vibrant green and stand as a testament to the life-giving water that feeds this tiny paradise. Attention turns away from the sand dunes that enclose the area, cutting it off from the bleak desert that stretches out in all directions and instead, focuses on the colorful man.

Talking with Tazzy, the smaller man’s question pulls a warm smile onto his face as he snuggles in with his colorful boyfriend, chest rumbling in what seems to be asemi-purr as he says, “Oh, I think we can stay. I did pack enough for an overnight trip.” He holds the man that changed his life for the better, in a loving and tender embrace. Neck drapes over the smaller form as he rests his head next to Tazzy’s and darts a gentle lick to the side of the other man’s muzzle, ready to enjoy their little get away to the fullest.

"Enki Klein"