
Cyberpunk Galaxy Puppies [Closed]



Pride - Demisexual
06-11-2024, 09:55 AM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2024, 10:10 AM by Disaster. Edited 1 time in total.)
OOC Name: ________ Antonis

Character Name: Pluto Antonis or Pisces Antonis
Gender: Male
Alignment: True Netural
Apperance: 1 || 2
Basics for 1:
The brutes base coat is that of grey mixed ever so loving blue with outlines of a softer much more dull greyish blue, while his maw and around his eyes and tail tip is the whitest of whites in apperance. This coat the heavy fur that covers his body is dense and thick to the fullest but ever so slightly longer around his neck and underbelly.He is smaller than his sister, but looks like he's large due to that coat that covers dense well muscled body that stands at a 37" tall. Now his eyes, their a dark and rich blue, almost like the ocean. Blank expression lays within them, making them appear very cold and heartless. If you ever smelt the scent of rain before it falls, mixed with fresh cut grass. All over his body is markings entwined of a mixture of blues. That circle around his eyes starting from the base of his nose. If you look at him from his side, it looks like the markings were made from the waves of the ocean that adorn his body.

Basics for 2:
Heavier than his siblings, his fur clings to his body matted in molted greys that range from almost a coal to a mist like grey pigment. His legs a little longer that doesn't match him. While longer hair covers his cheeks and his neck that goes to the middle of his back. Then start back up from the base of his tail. Eyes are of a lighter blue while under his eyes are marked with a bright shocking electric blue. He stands at a proud 38" although smaller than his sister still, he makes up for in his heaviness but slender body. He appears with the markings as if blue paints were splashed in lines along his lower legs and the middle of his tail. Some appear upon his shoulders and ribs.

He is a consummate professional in all of his endeavors, demonstrating a true sense of gentleness in his interactions with others. Despite this, he is not afraid to reveal a side of himself that is often hidden from view, understanding the importance of timing and context. Due to past experiences of abandonment from his father not being there or around, that have caused him significant emotional distress, he tends to keep his distance from others. He is fiercely protective of his family, particularly his siblings and mother, and will do whatever it takes to shield them from harm. Even though he may withdraw or push people away when he starts to become too attached, his family always remains his top priority. With a strong will and a guarded demeanor, he is cautious about allowing others into his inner circle, preferring to keep personal details private. He is hesitant to let others get too close, as past wounds from his own family have left a lasting impact on him. But once you get to know him he is just a teddy bear. He does have a kind side, that many don't have the pleasure to witness at first.

Skills: Fighter, Hunter
Plans: Not one to look for trouble, so who knows, it's up in the air.

RP Sample: (Only if you've never threaded with myself or Ali before)

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1. Cyberpunk Galaxy Puppies [Closed] Adoptions 02:48 PM, 05-04-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024