
The Art of Birth

Finch II


Intermediate Healer (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
06-12-2024, 06:54 AM
Finch's eyes widened a touch as Wylan careened in and the lesson began. She recognized him from the bonfire and immediately felt the blood rush to her cheeks. She had never seen a wolf with a mutation like his and had practically tripped over her own tongue asking questions. Of course it would come back to bite her. The lanky white male had merely dipped his head in greeting, which felt... better. It was brief and impersonal, allowing her to settle back in to her own skin. But she did feel his gaze linger on her for just a moment. Oh no, do I have a burr stuck behind my ear?

Morwenna's words brought her back to reality. What kind of things do you think could go wrong during a birth? Finnie's eyes widened briefly but she tried to stuff down the edge of nervousness. If she was going to be the sort of healer she wanted to be, she wouldn't balk at anything. Open wounds, splintered bones... sex stuff. No, no! More clinical than that. Reproductive health! Yeah. That sounded better. "Too many things to count," she said softly, her voice lacking its usual boldness. This was unfamiliar territory in more ways than one - she was in a strange land, flanked by two males. But she had her knowledge to fall back on. "Mothers can become fatigued during birth and lack the stamina to go on... pups can become stuck in the birth canal... directly after birth, milk supply may not be sufficient for the entire litter..." she began to rattle off, her voice growing in confidence as she went. Finch stopped short when she realized she was dominating the conversation and quieted down to let the others have a chance to speak.

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1. The Art of Birth Dreamer's Col 05:01 PM, 06-11-2024 08:48 PM, 06-28-2024