
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling

good luck, babe!



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
06-14-2024, 02:12 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2024, 02:13 PM by Thalia. Edited 1 time in total.)

In the midst of a storm
Searching for shelter
I came upon
One single feather

For so long now, time had stood completely still. While the rest of her close kin had all but disappeared - some had left these lands some time ago, moved to spread His word to far away lands or return their homelands to glory - Thalia had remained. Surviving, purposefully reclusive, biding her time until Abraxas himself sent her a sign. Surely he would, all in due time. Thalia Abraxas was nothing if not dutiful and patient when it came to her God. He hadn't let her down yet and he wouldn't now.

Knowing He was always with her meant nothing was unconquerable, even a freak snow storm. Since when had snow come down so far south, anyway? Eyelids narrowed over orange eyes as she studied the horizon, noting how dark the horizon looked, like night was creeping in a little too quickly. That wasn't the only indicator that something wasn't quite right. The smell of frigid moisture in the air was strong, too, and impossible to ignore. A shiver wracked her body as a gust of wind whipped by - it felt more like it cut straight to her core though, taking her by surprise.

She hadn't meant to wander so far south. Auster wasn't a place she'd ever spent much time in, even when Aerie had claimed lands not far from here. The sand bridge that connected the two continents looked more ominous than she remembered; a vast, bleak stretch of sand that disappeared into nothingness as the snow squall began. The swirling flakes obscured the lands across entirely, hardly inviting her journey across. The russet-pelted woman hesitated for a long while at the northern end of the Bifrost, wondering if there could be anything at the other side that she hadn't seen before.

Maybe, but it didn't feel likely.

Still, moving was all she did these days. These lands felt barren of Abraxas influence and there was no only so much she could do on her own. She'd spent so many days wondering if she ought to return home too, to the lands her father had been born into, but something in her heart told her she needed to stay. Like an invisible anchor, keeping her tied here even if she couldn't quite tell why.

Large paws carried her across the sand, though her movements were deliberate, cautious. The visibility was growing worse by the second, and she could see the snow squall growing up ahead. But not just across the Bifrost - snowflakes were swirling all around her, even faster as the wind picked up speed at an alarming pace.

She could go forward, or backwards, or even stay in place. Any of those options seemed just as dangerous. Thalia heaved a sigh as she weighed her options and then began to move forward. Her faith in Him would keep her safe, until He deemed her time in this world done. She knew her final purpose hadn't been served yet, so Thalia moved without fear, even as the storm began to intensify all at once. The Abraxas woman braced herself against the wind and snow, eyes squinting shut hard as she moved - at first a careful walk, and then suddenly she found herself needing to sprint, racing against the freak storm. Her visibility was reduced to practically nothing, though the feeling of her paws on sand helped keep her grounded.

Forward. Always, always forward.

Knowing He would keep her safe didn't keep every muscle in her body from fighting to survive as the icy snow whipped at her face, stabbing sharply at her nose with every inhale. The water at the edges of the Bifrost turned to waves, lashing out angrily over the sand at her paws.

The storm was too intense for her to see anything but her own two paws and the snow and water that billowed at the edge of her vision. She only knew anyone was even nearby when she nearly barrelled into them, only seeing what she thought was a stranger when she couldn't avoid them. Another wolf appeared out of nothingness, or so it seemed to her. A sign.

Thalia didn't recognize it as such a thing yet though, whipping past Theory in an attempt to make it across this hellish bridge in one piece. Panting hard, eyes squinting against the snow. She didn't even register who she'd side-swiped, paws pounding hard against the ground as she aimed for the other side.

A half-hearted wish
For something better
Gracefully cursed, I thirst