
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling

good luck, babe!



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06-16-2024, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2024, 02:04 PM by Theory. Edited 1 time in total.)

The wind was powerful. It buffeted her from side to side as she ate up the sand. There was a strange moment where, even as she ran straight forward and hadn't changed direction, she had a sinking feeling that she'd been running the wrong way this whole time. Theory gasped for breath, each inhale searing down her throat with preternatural cold. All that kept her pumping forward was adrenaline, icing her from the inside as the cold licked at her eyes. They were burning from stray snowflakes and sleet. Theo slitted her eyelids to protect them until she was almost running blind.

But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate

That was when she was nearly shoulder checked off of the sand bar. Theory stumbled, her front right paw slipping halfway into the bitingly cold water. She yelled, but it was a formless scream that was eaten quickly by the wind. The stranger's tail was lashing in the wind and it whipped right up under her nose before they were swallowed by the storm. A familiar scent. Like passing through a meadow and suddenly scenting lilacs in full bloom when you haven't seen a lilac since you were a pup: the scent brought back memories. Her eyes glittered, wild with a fire she hadn't felt in seasons. In years. Theory regained her balance, staggered by the weight around her neck like a millstone. She focused on the feeling of the cask swaying hard, buffeted by her chest with every stride. Thud, thump, thud, thunk. The ache of it hitting her over and over kept her grounded and focused. Just a little more pain. She could take it. Theory began to run, chasing memories.

To say that for destruction ice
Is also great

As she pushed herself, the snow began to ease up. Slowly, slowly, then all at once. By the time she set paws on Auster, the weather was mild. A true summer's day. She wouldn't have believed any of it had happened if she didn't feel the frost stiffening her fur. Theory turned to look behind her, chest heaving from spent exertion. Her lungs burned. Sure enough, a dark storm cloud sat squarely on top of the Bifrost. The wind here on the outside of the storm was still strong, but it was a balmy breeze. As she watched, the clouds broke into smaller pieces and were drawn further out into the sea by the breeze. Ice and snow glittered on the sand bar underneath the summer sun like scattered jewels. Her breathing slowed. She turned to face the ghost she'd chased across the sand.

And would suffice.

"Thalia. Is that really you?"

"theory speaks"