
A deep soothing song



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
06-17-2024, 12:04 AM

Masks rise and fall as she talks with Eltrys; the want to be strong for others lifting the veils while the raw wounds of her own guilt easily tear through the thin guises. A war rages behind emerald eyes as she admits truths long hidden in the darkest corners of her mind, emotions choking her words and strangling her throat yet Haydée forces them out. Once her own selfish desires are given over to the daylight, a weight shifts from her shoulders and peace settles over her as if, maybe, just maybe, hope can spring from her death.

With that weight gone, a boldness comes over the small woman and she speaks with conviction as she requests that Eltrys, the man she has come to trust in a short amount of time, take care of her family. Of course, Haydée does include herself in this plea because, in her mind, her death is already assured and she sighs with relief as he confidently pledges his protection to those most important in her life. Words fall unbidden from her lips, hopes for his future and the world as a whole, after she leaves.

Heat builds in her cheeks and Haydée seeks to retract her paw, suddenly embarrassed that she has bared so much of her soul to him but is stopped when his other massive paw gently captures her small one. Gaze darts up to catch his arctic eyes, confusion rippling softly across her face like a stone breaking the surface of a still pond as seeks to try and find answers to what he is thinking. Eltrys’s tender voice, warm and soft, greets her ears and the tension that had unknowingly settled into her shoulders melts away as she captures and takes to heart every word freely given to her.

He pulls her paw closer to him and she shifts forward, yearning to capture his lips with her own but holding back because he doesn’t deserve to be mixed up in all of her horrible business. A plea is given for her not to fade away and Haydée’s ears slick back, pinning to her head in sorrow as uncertainty etches itself into her features. Of course, her mind chides her, ridicules her for even entertaining the idea of allowing someone else to insert themselves into a situation that will surely only end with the shedding of her blood.

Yet, as his nose snakes in a closer to her, Haydée’s breath hitches in her throat, nervous energy crackling around her smaller form as she fights with herself over the morality of leaning on him. Words greet the air, music to her heart that lifts her spirits and stokes the fires of life once more for the depressed woman. Features lift, softening into something purer and more loving than she can even begin to describe as he offers to shoulder the burdens with her; to protect and stand beside her no matter the world throws at her paws.

The war is over as he pulls her close and Haydée melts into him, her lips seeking his out as her eyelids flutter shut and everything else fades away. This was too much; too much of to ask of any one wolf and yet Eltrys had not shied away nor bulked when she give voice to the darker thoughts that run free in her head. She leans into him, front legs seeking to gently circle him as she seeks to deepen the kiss and is surprised to feel a dampness on the fur underneath her eyes.

Whether she is crying from joy or fear, the small woman isn’t certain of yet.

Haydée only pulls away when she needs air and her eyes open once more, glistening green eyes darting around his face as she seeks to find some sign of uncertainty so that she might be able to rebuff his attempt to help her without guilt. Emotions chase each other across her face in rapid succession as she wars with herself once more before they settle on acceptance. She leans forward, not seeking to kiss him this time but to press the side of her face into the side of his neck and enjoy the warmth of his body pressed into her own.

Finally, Haydée speaks, words laden with unspoken worry and apprehension over the future that might await them, “Oh Eltrys. I… I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m scared…. But, I… I want you to be here, with me.” Finally, Haydée was admitting how she truly feels and, while the future is a daunting endeavor, she is thankful to have someone as strong as Eltrys to walk the road ahead with.

"Haydée Kedieo"

Art by Moonfin

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. A deep soothing song Lazuli Falls 08:52 AM, 04-27-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024