
Trouble already?

Healing thread


Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
06-17-2024, 10:03 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2024, 10:04 PM by Oleander. Edited 1 time in total.)

The dawn arose like any other. Oleander lifted from his bed, stretched, and gave out a great yawn. He looked around, blearily, and saw his patient Vesper still where he had placed her. He had yet to move into the clinic quite yet, he was going to be working on it most of the day though.

Suddenly a cracking song of alarm came outside the window. He looked and saw his raven Eterna turn a bright blue eye on him and bid him to follow her for an emergency.

He left his patient with Jace his raccoon, grabbed his emergency basket filled with all the essentials, and followed the white Raven.

Eterna cawed overhead, the form of a limp white wolf covered in dark brown blood laid on the border. Was that... that must be one of the new members! What happened? A few sniffs to test whether this was, indeed, a member confirmed it through the tang of blood and cat.

"Fuck." He said, experimenting with his new word as he approached the blood streaked male.

"Heyy, you still with me? I'm Ollie, an Armada Combat Medic." Will he be able to carry him to the clinic? At least it was mostly prepped for this already. The cold was biting and he needed to get this wolf out of the weather.

He lifted his voice for some help, Medical Emergency, Come NOW. Then he turned back to his newest patient, hoping another medic or even apprentice or heck any of his siblings would come. He looked very very bad.

"Let's get you someplace warm." He said, attempting to pick up the heavier and larger male. Damn, he wished he was as big as Bas.


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1. Trouble already? Dreamer's Col 06:35 PM, 06-17-2024 06:33 PM, 07-29-2024