
and don't say that she's pretty



"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
06-19-2024, 10:47 PM

The need to stretch her legs has been tickling Seere’s brain for a bit now and the monochrome woman has decided that today, she is going to do something about it. Legs carry her across both familiar and unfamiliar lands, past places where once allied packs had stood. Memories like falling leaves swirl through the woman’s mind as she wonders what has happened to her family and sorrow tugs at her.

It barely registers that had crossed the Bifrost and left behind the cold winter days. By the time she crosses into the land with cedar trees, Seere’s pawsteps have grown light and playful. Summer is scorching the continent of Auster and, even in the shade of the trees, the heat and humidity are felt thicken the air until it almost feels like she is drinking in soup. Tongue lolls out of her mouth as the small monochrome woman rounds a corner and finds a dappled grey form turning in her direction.

For half a second, her steps falter, worry piercing her mind like spears as she wonders if they are friendly but, the dancing tail and gentle greeting that is given, has that fear fleeing and a warm smile blooming across her lips. Bright, cheerful words are offered and Seere’s tail matches the fast pace of the stranger’s as she dips her head and greets, “Hello Mae! My name’s Seere Klein-Destruction.” It is habit to give her first and last name but she suddenly remembers that it no longer carries the weight it had once held.

Slowly, she moves toward Mae, stance relaxed, friendly, and open as she goes while her mismatched eyes scan the beautiful scenery around them. Warmly she asks, “Do you live here?” The question is innocent and filled with curiosity as Seere comes to a stop near the dappled girl, tail still wagging happily as she tries to find out more about the teen she has crossed paths with.

"Seere Klein-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.

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1. and don't say that she's pretty Cedar Falls 06:51 AM, 05-28-2024 10:10 PM, 09-14-2024