
Paint The Sky A Daring Color




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1 Year

06-21-2024, 08:16 PM

It wouldn't take long for her student to arrive. Though Gem would have hoped for multiple students, she had already been informed that only one would be joining her. Which, as she thought about it, might be for the best! She could give the student her utmost attention on the topic and be able to answer any and all questions.

Her ears perk up when Ignita walks in. Gem stands at the front of the room as she greets the girl in return with a small and gentle wag of her tail. "Hello! Yes, I'm here to teach about how to craft paints from different materials found in the wild," her smile meets her lips as she moves to motion a paw toward the laid out ingredients before her. "No worries about that! I only need one anyway," Gem jokes, her eyes twinkling against the flicker of the fire in the hearth.

"For this lesson, I brought out some different berries. Berries can be some of the easiest material to work with because if you want something very vibrant and thick, you don't have to do much," Gem speaks as she moves a piece of parchment toward her. Rolling a few of the raspberries into a bowl beside her and motioning for Hem to dribble some water into it, Gem begins to mash the berries up into a paste. "If you don't have water, saliva works too, but if your mouth is dry, it might not work so well," there's a soft laugh among her words as she works the berries.

Lifting her paw to show Ignita the red paste, she moves it over to the parchment and swipes her paw against it. "See how bright the red is? The only issue with this easy and quick method is that the fiber and seeds of the berries are mixed in as well so you'll get a texture you might not like," Gem points with a toe to motion at the seeds rising above the streak. "Give it a go and then I'll show you the long method so you'll have berry paint to store for use later," she motions to a piece of parchment on the table near Ignita, inviting the girl to try.

Gem Klein

Hematite, Gem's Mastiff, is always with her unless stated he isn't.

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1. Paint The Sky A Daring Color Dreamer's Col 01:03 PM, 06-12-2024 02:11 AM, 07-18-2024