
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling

good luck, babe!



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
06-22-2024, 12:50 PM

The wind around her roared violently, its force nearly toppling her over. Never in her life had she seen such a storm, and so far south - but her life had been made up of so many strange things that it didn't feel as strange as it might to some. Sometimes things just weren't as you expected them to be, and persevering despite it all was important if you wanted to keep going. Eyes barely seeing at all as she pushed through the whirling snow, ears flat to protect them from the bitter cold, she was aware of little more than the sand beneath her paws, and the ice-cold water that lapped at her from all both sides.

A vague yell followed her as she rushed past someone. The way her senses were being assaulted by the brutal storm that had suddenly hit, she didn't register anything about the voice. Just another wolf caught in the freak storm, trying to make it across the Bifrost. What timing they both had.

As Thalia neared the other side, it seemed as though the storm let up, far more abruptly than she could've anticipated. A few stray snowflakes danced around her face, eyes still stinging from the cold, though they seemed to melt before they hit the ground. Here, by the shoreline, it was chilly but not as cold as it had been on her journey across. Thalia gave herself a good shake, feeling the frosted tips of her fur melting quickly under the warmth of the sun above, peeking down from behind quickly dispersing clouds.

She appeared then, seemingly as soon as the storm faded away. It stood dark over the Bifrost still, though it seemed they'd both escaped its clutches. Thalia sure wasn't about to head back across anytime soon.

Running into Theory again, in these strange circumstances, was nothing short of a miracle. Thalia knew there was no other explanation for it. Her jaw unhinged slightly before she clamped it shut again, the words that threatened to spill out instead caught in a tangled knot in her throat. "I wasn't sure I'd ever see you again," was all she could think to say. Theory had told her to forget her name, to never come looking for her again, and she'd obliged obediently. In her eyes, it was one last act of devotion to the woman she'd never quite been able to commit herself to. An act of love.