




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
06-24-2024, 02:21 AM

With just a little bit of her company and conversation, Juniper saw Arcturus spring back to life like a wilting flower soaking up the sun. It brought a happy smile to the little wolf's muzzle. She didn't like seeing others sad, and if she could do a little something to brighten their days, well, she was all for making the world a better place one wolf at a time. Their conversation had been going pretty pleasantly so far, June even managing to earn a goofy lopsided smile from the giant brute with her sense of humor—until she asked what he had been doing out here on his own. Just like that, Arc's good mood began to deflate, and she realized she'd asked the wrong question. Juniper's smile faltered a bit, looking to him with empathy in her eyes while he revealed the truth behind his solitude. A recently made bachelor after a long term relationship. Oof, yeah, that stung to hear.

"That's rough, buddy. I'm sorry, Arc." She didn't know if he minded being called Arc or preferred his full name, but she figured he'd let her know if he did. Relationships weren't really something Juniper had a lot of experience with. Her father had always touted the benefits of free love and finding your life partner when the time was right, so commitment had never been something Juniper had ever sought out or expected from any of her romantic partners. However, that didn't mean she couldn't empathize with his feelings of loss. "I hope your heart heals swiftly, Arcturus. You seem like a sweet guy with a kind soul. You'll have faes clambering for you in no time."

Juniper offered Arc a reassuring grin and patted his giant paw with one of her tiny ones, still amused by their radical size difference when put into perspective. "And if that's not really your speed right now, then hey, you're a good looking brute! You'll have no problem getting faes to lift their tails for you. You could just fuck the melancholy away! No better way to vent frustrations and feel better than by getting laid!" It was said mostly in humor to make him laugh and smile again, but hey, there was truth behind her humor. Juniper looked over Arcturus, admiring his size, his build, everything physical that made him who he was. June could appreciate the beauty of a wolf's body, brute or fae, and Arc was indeed a damn good looking brute!

"Juniper of the Sea"