
Cyberpunk Galaxy Puppies [Closed]



Pride - Bisexual
06-24-2024, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2024, 05:52 PM by Shazaki. Edited 8 times in total.)
OOC Name: Shazaki

Character Name: Astra or Luna Antoni
Gender: Female
Alignment: True neutral / Lawful Neutral
Apperance: [Image: dis2.png]
second option here

Astra is a beauty just like the parents before her, a female whose appearance resembles that of a cloudy night sky, with blue being her main hue where black and some in between mix up to make of her such a piece of art. Star-like spots adorn her entire body, a remarkable piece of her frame that tides everything. Her limbs, tail, and face are obsidian black which fades into the blue of the rest of her frame. Her eyes are those of her father, red in color, and a piece of her that gives the attractive contrasts. Two single light blue markings rest under her eyes, another feature she should thank her father for.

Her frame is stocky yet she won't be too tall as her father yet she isn't any small wolf, with 35 inches tall she is still above the average in terms of size. Her fur is long and fluffy, especially in her neck which gives her a wild touch, along with her fangs which are retractile like her father.


Good and evil exist to balance each other, life doesn't exist without death, the good needs the evil, and so on. Astra thinks everything has a role in one's life, the excesses are never something she sees good upon, there always have to be limited, too altruistic weakness, too evil drains reason. Both will hold an equal importance, none is more important than the other but it doesn't mean she will commit atrocities or act in a brutal/chaotic way. She will only do it if someone she loves is in danger yet she won't cross any lines such as targeting the weak taking a life or maiming someone. She is concerned with her own well-being and those of her family but it won't mean she will wish il to those outside of it, though she will think twice depending on what is at stake.

She will keep her word only If it is in her best interest, she won't do anything that could potentially become a threat or her family or lifestyle.

She shall not murder
She harms only if harmed
Helps the needy only if it will aid herself
Helds no extreme points of view always balance is better

Skills: Intellect and healing
Plans: The pacifist yet not helpless she wolf, always up for her family. The quiet typeyet not someone away from family affairs.

RP Sample: (Only if you've never threaded with myself or Ali before)

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1. Cyberpunk Galaxy Puppies [Closed] Adoptions 02:48 PM, 05-04-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024