




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
06-27-2024, 11:40 AM
Arcturus shifted his gaze back down to Juniper's as she gave him her condolences and reassurances, giving her a thankful smile and a little nod in response. He wanted to assure her that it was okay, that he would be fine, but that almost felt like a lie right now and he didn't want to lie to her. He knew logically that he would be fine and that this was hardly the hardest blow he had ever had to deal with in his life, but that was hard facts to tell his heart right now. He didn't know about having faes 'clambering' for him, as she put it, but one day he was sure he'd figure out how to move on.

What caught him of guard though, and what pulled him back away from the depressive thoughts with a sputtering laugh, was Juniper patting his paw as she assured him that he would have no issue getting faes to 'lift their tails' for him and that he could 'fuck the melancholy away'. His eyes went wide at the suggestion and he choked a bit with his own shock and laughter, but he quickly recovered as he cleared his throat and grinned with a shake of his head. "Oh! I uh... Wow, um... Thank you? I think?" he stammered, his face feeling red hot as he blushed at the idea. He wasn't a virgin, of course, but he and Vanille had only made love a couple of times in the whole span of their relationship and he had never been with anyone else so the idea of venting his frustrations via sex or that women would be so eager to sleep with him nearly knocked him over.

It wasn't like the concept of having multiple lovers or sleeping around was foreign to him–he and his only sister had different fathers, after all–but it had just never been something he had pursued himself. He had been with Vanille just about as long as he had been old enough to be sexually active so it wasn't like he'd really had the chance to even think about it. "I don't think I'd even know where to begin," he admitted with a sheepish grin. Juniper seemed way more confident and spoke so much more freely about this stuff than he felt like he could so he felt like maybe if he could follow her lead he might have an easier time. "Do you... I mean, you really think faes would want to do that? Is that... normal? For faes to want to sleep with brutes so... casually?"

"Arcturus Indarra"