
A deep soothing song



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
06-29-2024, 10:35 PM

Each moment feels like an eternity as she looks at him, the ebb and flow of her own internal war playing out for him to see. Part of Haydée hates just how vulnerable she is and how much she just wishes to make right all the wrongs that have happened in her short tenure as an alpha. Oh, how she loathes herself for putting everyone here at risk all because she wanted to prove that she wasn’t weak and yet, in her attempt to do that, she just seemed to prove how naïve and stupid she really was.

But, in spite of all that, there were wolves like Eltrys who have faith in her and wish to protect. The storm that rolls across her features final breaks and she melts into him, their lips finding each other as the world dissolves around them. Hope sparks in the darkness that has been her future and Haydée finds herself enjoying the touch and tender embrace of his strong arms. They only separate when they need air and she greedily drinks it in since it is laced with his scent while heat flares up her neck and into her cheeks.

A tear slips free from her eyes, slowly rolling her cheek as she gazes up him, uncertainty and concern slowly etching themselves back onto her features. He lifts one large paw to brush away the tear and she leans into the touch, a soft sigh rolling past her lips as she begins to release the doubts and worries that she has felt for so long. Strong arms hold her and Haydée leans into him seeking to gently press her head into the soft fur of his chest as he speaks; his chest vibrates as he speaks of being a fighter… for her.

Small head shoots up, neck craning back so that she can catch his artic gaze with her own wide emerald ones and Hay slowly shakes her head from side to side as she readies to protest. She knows that Eltrys is a pacifist and has never wished to fight anyone and, while his desire is noble, the thought of him having to fight battles that she made… it causes her stomach to roll at the thought. However, the objection she is about to utter dies in her throat as she gazes up him, the words he continues to offer her adding fuel to the heat in her cheeks.

Green eyes search his face as his voice fades into the air and she really sees him… as if for the first time. Eltrys is a strong, kind soul who is ready to pick up arms for a cause that he deems righteous and, while she might try to persuade him otherwise, Haydée knows will never be able to sway his resolve. Love swells in her chest for him and she leans back into him, their bodies and hearts connecting in the moment. A smile wiggles her lips as she softly says, “There is no way to talk you out of being a fighter, is there?” Voice breaks into a gentle chuckle for a moment before she sighs and adds, “You don’t have to fight for me or anyone else but… thank you.”

The smile grows as she pulls away so she can look up at him, voice growing stronger and steadier as she says, “While I might not be certain about the future, I am sure about one thing; I want to walk the road ahead with you. I just hope that I can strong enough for you.” The smile falters for a moment as she looks up at him wondering if he would walk away from her she proved too broken to help but something inside her tells her to trust Eltrys. So, Haydée does just that.

"Haydée Kedieo"

Art by Moonfin

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. A deep soothing song Lazuli Falls 08:52 AM, 04-27-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024