
I’ll Be There When Your Reality Drowns


Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
07-05-2024, 07:02 PM
Scald balks at her sudden outburst. Had he not phrased his question properly? His brow scrunches, confusion written all over his face as he looks at her expression of disbelief. But he listens and by the time she is done and stalking away from him, he can't do anything but let out a sigh. Hormones, I swear. He thinks to himself, ears falling backward as he stretches his long legs to cover the distance between them.

Coming up to her side and then slipping in front to stop her in her tracks, Scald looks down at her in a stern manner. He really hated being anything but relaxed. "Ya know what I meant, Elysia," he says first, using her full name so she knew he was being serious. "I say what do ya want from me as in do ya want me to come live with ya or do ya want me to kick rocks?" His tone is stern, typically nonchalant expression now all twisted up into something he's not used to.

"If yer gonna be foolish an' yell at me a bunch over nothin', I ain' gonna put up with it," he leans in closer so that their noses almost touch. "Ya'd be lyin' to yerself if ya think I don' got feelin's for ya. I might not be great at showin' it, but yer the one I dream about at night," he lets out a sigh, finally touching his nose to the bridge of her muzzle. "Jus' cause I'm strugglin' to accept that these... these mongrels are gonna be mine don' mean I ain' gonna try," Scald whispers, his eyes closing for a moment as he tries to calm the stirred emotions in his own noggin.

Scald & Elysia
table coding by bunni ♥

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1. I’ll Be There When Your Reality Drowns Druid's Moor 11:27 AM, 05-31-2024 12:52 AM, 08-20-2024