
Party till the cows come home



Expert Fighter (155)

Expert Intellectual (200)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-06-2024, 09:39 AM
OOC things: No post order! Everyone is invited- if adult thangs happen, make a separate thread in the Steppe so no minors can peek. If someone starts shit, feel free to dogpile them lmao. It'll make Maki sad tho and surely no one wants that.

Maki was jittery with excitement as she flitted about the Steppe, hopeful and just insufferably excited. All of this had been days in the making, hours and hours of scrawling out the invitations one by one till she had a massive stack to be sent out all across Boreas and Auster. She had considered handing them out herself and had been willing to do so, but it would have been so much ground to cover and Delphi had reasonably pointed out it would be both quicker and easier to just send out a flock of ravens to do the job. They'd flown overhead pack territories and just sort of...dropped a bunch, letting them flit down like blossom petals before moving onto the next drop zone. Delphi had reassured Maki that no one would be offended if the invitation wasn't particularly personal-though she had insisted in the earlier drafts that Maki had to add a part about everyone behaving themselves. That's why Delphi was the boss around these parts, she was so on point.

The Steppes had always been a pretty cool place to hang out, but Delphi had really outdone herself in organising it all, making sure not a single detail was out of place. Oki had been put to work doing a lot of the heavy lifting, dragging carts back and forth, helped Fable sort out the catering table and had even hunted and foraged for days on end to get her enough ingredients to work with. Just passing the food area made Maki's mouth threaten to water, it all smelled so good and a lot of it was still cooking! Even better, Delphi had made a deal with some travelling merchants and had managed to secure a massive trade haul of all sorts of drinks. Ales, wines, spirits and even some sake. Not that Maki had ever really drank before, but she probably would tonight, what better place for it?

Pillows and furs had been strewn atop the rocks, creating a comfy lounge area for those who just wanted to relax. Atop the highest horizontal stone tablet, a makeshift throne had been put together for Maki and her siblings, the guests of honour! Though with all the festivities planned, there probably wouldn't be a lot of time to reside over their fancy perch- but Maki wanted to feel like a princess, even if only for a little while, yanno?

Hanging firefly lanterns would light up the party venue once the sun set, but for now the weather was bright and sunny-a pleasant and warm afternoon. Spring had just sprung and the grasslands surrounding the Steppes had erupted in a sea of flowers, more colours than Maki could count. Some had been plucked and used in the myriad of flower bouquets that decorated the place- Maki loved them all and thought they looked lovely, but selfishly hoped some of the guests would bring her some flowers too. Though maybe the note on the bottom of her invitation was too subtle and would go over their heads...

A dance floor had been cleared out, the grass trimmed and flattened, the band was getting in some last minute practice as they lingered on the sidelines of the floor.

Relieved that everything was seemingly well on its way to being ready, she scurried off back to the Maw to go get ready. She'd made herself a special flower crown just for this occasion; red carnations and little pink hydrangeas. Cute as heck. But she found she'd been fussing too long in her den and barely caught the sound of Delphi calling out for her- it was showtime and thus began her mad dash back to the Steppes.

[Image: dfv6kr2-ecca3233-91c7-4b9d-8cd6-563616ef...2RHh0DJeE0]

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1. Party till the cows come home The Stone Steppe 09:39 AM, 07-06-2024 03:50 PM, 08-29-2024