
Party till the cows come home



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

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2 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
07-08-2024, 11:46 AM

It didn't take long for Maki to convince her that they should have a birthday party. Maybe it would help! Lift the spirits! Gather the crowds! Food, drinks, a band even. How Make thought it was all possible, Delphi wasn't sure, but they had indeed pulled it off. Overwhelmingly impressed and feeling way too many emotions about the event, Delphi kept herself busy with all the finishing touches. Flowers arranged and nestled perfectly among the tables, the lights strung and ready for evening, and even helping Fable lay out all of the delicious food. How was it even possible for a wolf to make such yummy food!? She would have to thank her father later for introducing her to the chef-blessed wolf.

Everything was ready and even her own self was cleaned up and prepared for the crowd to come. Unlike Maki, Delphi had decided to adorn herself with a crown of roses with petals a deep blood red and long thorns still attached. Perfectly fitting for an Alpha like herself. As she smooths out the last bit of unruly fur, she makes her way out to the steppe where everything is setup, calling for Maki on her way to their stone thrones. It felt a bit foolish to be all propped up before the party, but it was their party after all and they deserved it. They'd survived two years! Two whole years and now they were officially adults! With a pack and everything else that came with it.

As Maki arrives, Delphi gives her much larger sister a tentative smile before relaxing into her seat. Food and drink were at her side, ready to keep her company as the party goers began to arrive. "This should be fun," Delphi whispers quietly to Maki as she takes a bite of juicy meat, washing it down with a concoction that she really couldn't put a name to. This all was much more for Maki than Delphi and she would be sure it would all go off perfectly.

With the first to arrive being their grandmother, Venom, Delphi couldn't help the wiggle of her docked tail. Oh, it had been far too long since she'd seen her grammy! Embracing Venom as tightly as she could, she bows her head so that the ex-Empress could adorn her forehead with a sweet kiss. "Thank you for coming," Delphi murmurs, her eyes misting as Venom pulls away to head into the crowd. Others come, approaching Maki with gifts and sentiments, all of it making Delphi much proud than she had expected. When had her shy sister become so popular? Ideas brewed in her head as she kept quiet, admiring the ambiance and atmosphere, content to take a back seat for tonight.

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1. Party till the cows come home The Stone Steppe 09:39 AM, 07-06-2024 03:50 PM, 08-29-2024