
Seeing red




Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
07-08-2024, 09:38 PM

The hunters of The Armada had certainly been prolific! The influx of hides and prepped meats had reached levels she had not seen before! Must be an influx from the season change! While she was sorting things out properly she was also mentally going over how the warriors held themselves when they braced. Their pose when they began a battle.

She used the sorting as a way to check her reflexes, dashing about the storeroom trying to get each piece into its place as quickly and neatly as she could. Something she had started when Bas was gone.

She smoothly picked up a smaller fur and in one motion moved to throw it into its proper place when her name ripped through the caves from across the col, echoed off every sheer face of the mountain, and struck her like a slap across the face. It threw her aim off entirely and the small fur hit a large stack of paper, which toppled it into another stack of items which then dominoed down the shelves.

Startled and stricken to her core she wobbled to the door of the storeroom and peered out with one eye. She leaned out cautiously into the Col until she could see the titanic form across it, glowering at her from around the obelisk. Her heart was in her throat, pounding pounding pounding.

She peered around to see if anyone else dared to poke their head out of a den. She had never heard him so angry yet. What had she done? Why would he be... so angry?

Her breath shallow and trembling she shrank and skittered across the Col toward him, her head low, her ears down and her paws moving quickly.

She entered the den.

Suddenly, it began to dawn on her as her eyes darted about at the mess. Her things spilled on the floor.
A tiny satchel close to the fire, the smell of burning herbs...

He had found them her stash of contraceptive herbs!

She froze, her breathing shallow. Then she drew in a meditative breath, and slowly, tremblingly she started to pick up the mess, silent, not looking at him.


[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
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[Image: bU9k2tE.png]

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1. Seeing red Dreamer's Col 05:02 PM, 07-08-2024 03:13 PM, 07-18-2024