




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
07-08-2024, 10:22 PM
He knew it was kind of a silly question when he asked it. His own mother had multiple lovers and his sister was certainly not shy about what kept her and her boyfriend occupied more often than not. Still, after being with Vanille for pretty much all of his adult life and navigating this weird dance of loving her and not wanting to make her uncomfortable but having to ignore and suppress his own desires because of it... It just felt weird to think about faes being so willing and eager to jump straight to the opposite end of what he was used to. If Vanille was on one end of the spectrum then Juniper was on the other. He was quickly beginning to realize that he had hidden a lot of the guilt and disappointment he had built up in his previous relationship under a belief that what he was experiencing was the norm and the more passionate and physical kinds of relationships were the rarity. Clearly he had just been telling himself lies to make himself feel better.

Arc returned Juniper's grin with one of his own, but he was still obviously baffled and shellshocked by the whole turn of events and how easily and freely she was speaking about these things. When she declared that he needed a self confidence booster he blinked with surprise and looked at her with a raised, confused brow. What was she going to do to boost his confidence? Did his confidence really seem that low? He watched as she turned to face him properly, sitting neatly and looking up at him expectantly with beautiful mint eyes. If anyone would have asked him what she might have as a 'confidence booster' for him, he certainly wouldn't have guessed the challenge she gave him to flirt with her and seduce her with the promise that it might end up with having even more fun later. "More f- oh," he began to question before it suddenly clicked what she meant in his oblivious mind and he caught himself. "Oh! Oh, um... okay," he replied uncertainly, giving her a bashful grin as he shifted to turn toward her to face her as well.

Gods, where did he even start?! He had found Vanille when he was still pretty young so there hadn't really been much courting or trying to flirt with her. They had just kind of grown together and eventually feelings for one another had developed from there. He had never in his life tried to hit on a fae! He glanced down at his own paws for a moment to try and settle his nerves before he brought his gaze back to hers. Again he was struck by how beautiful her eyes were and what a unique color they were. It wasn't like June wasn't beautiful or lacking in things he could at least compliment about her. "Your eyes are really beautiful," he finally managed after a moment of collecting his thoughts, giving her a lopsided grin. Just relax and have fun with it he reminded himself as he lifted his paw and was quickly reminded of just how small she was compared to him when he lifted one of his white-tipped paws to her cheek, his grin growing a little wider and more sure as he brushed across her cheek and gently cupped it to keep her gaze on his. "They're such a unique color, they suit you so well."

"Arcturus Indarra"