




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
07-08-2024, 11:18 PM

Sweet Arcturus seemed so taken aback by her cavalier attitude and directness that it was almost too adorable to handle! Juniper had to conceal a giggle behind one tiny paw as he mentally worked out the innuendo in her words, and once the meaning had gotten through to him, he looked just like a shy pup telling his first crush he liked her. He really was too damn precious. His ex-girlfriend had no idea what kind of a sweet guy she had given up. Oh well, her loss, Juniper's gain! The tiny fae sat stock still and perfectly postured while Arc tried to gather his thoughts and come up with some kind of game plan, eager to see what the big guy had in him. He was so nervous, but June didn't rush him or hurry him along. She gave him all the time he needed, sitting there with him in the snow, all smiles and patience. Her patience was eventually rewarded when the giant golden brute looked up at her again and complimented her eyes, earning himself a genuine smile from the petite fae.

Those mint eyes he was taken by sparkled with delight and pride as she giggled again. "There ya go, big guy! Not bad for your first shot at flirting," she remarked, showering him in that positive reinforcement she knew brutes went gaga for. She grinned back up at him, flashing her teeth in a bright smile and batting her long lashes up at him. "You've got a really great smile, Arc. It really brightens up your whole face," she complimented him back, reaching a paw over to pat his much, much larger one. "I hope you always have a reason to smile. It makes you even more handsome than you already are." June shot a wink up at the giant brute, relaxing back into her seated position, tail wagging slowly behind her. She was having a lot of fun with him already. "Go on, try another. And this time, don't be afraid to get a little risqué with it. I know you've got some tension in you. Why not try letting it out?" Juniper knew that if he was this shy around a topic like sex, then he had to have some stuff pent up inside of him. She was giving him full permission to vent some of it and see how creative he could be. Not every fae would like the bold, lewd flirting, but she certainly did, and he seemed like he needed the outlet bad.

"Juniper of the Sea"