



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
07-10-2024, 08:31 AM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2024, 08:32 AM by Mélisande. Edited 1 time in total.)
m é l i s a n d e

someone spoke softly to her, pulling her gently from the sweetest dream. slowly, she opened her eyes, long ebony lashes fluttering. scarlet iris's fixed and focused on the one above her- the rosy tones of her eyes exuding a subtle glow of tender red when she peered upwards with the lifting of her small chin. immediately her ears flew back to hug against her skull- along with her shortened scut gluing tightly to her flanks as she sat upright. an enormous wolf stood before her.
to say she was intimidated was true, but perhaps an understatement. "H-hello." she swallowed hard with a slight pinch of her brows, unsure if she was safe here. too close for comfort, she shuffled her weight as she leaned a bit on the trunk behind her. her ruby eyes never leaving the looming giant before her. splayed ears then caught their next set of words; ones that caused her animations to become less rigid and still. the look of slight uncertainty leaving her features as her brows relaxed, her face coming to reveal a dimpled grin and eyes that glistened instead. she sighed, obviously relieved that no danger was here. "No ones ever said that to me before.." she bit her lips, the feelings of nervousness fluttering within her belly. breaking eye contact for only a second, she looks back at the stranger with newfound curiosity. what brought them here?
gauging their own beauty and softer colors for a moment, melisande felt internal attraction brew. something similar to seeing morwenna for the first time; an imprint she remembered but not one as potent as this. their eyes of rose quartz shining back at melisande, beckoning her own admiration. "Oh you're just as lovely." she smiled, her voice sailing smoothly over the soft breezes. "I'm Mélisande. Just Mélisande." a light giggle left her maw; a sweet tune of delight that fit well with the scenery around them.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa

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