


The Hallows
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An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

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Critical Fail!
07-08-2024, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2024, 07:08 PM by Ellara. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

In the heart of the Redbud Nook, where the young forest awakened each spring, a symphony of vivid pink blossoms breathed life into the air. The canopy above glowed with the blush of a thousand flowers, casting a rosy hue upon the forest floor. There, amidst the delicate whispers of the wind through the trees, walked Ellara, her presence as enchanting as the bloom around her. Her muted pink fur, kissed with warm brown, blended seamlessly with the vibrant landscape, making her appear as though she was a spirit conjured from the very essence of the redbud trees.

Ella's eyes, strikingly pink and full of enigmatic allure, captured the light filtering through the blossoms, creating an ethereal glow. These windows to her soul reflected a depth of compassion and strength, a gentle spirit veiled in quiet melancholy. She moved with a grace that spoke of natural strength, each step deliberate and fluid, her slender yet powerful physique a testament to her latent power. As she navigated the dappled paths, the sunlight danced across her fur, highlighting the muted pink trails that wove through her coat, enhancing the softness and mystery of her appearance.

Distinctive markings accentuated Ella's extraordinary presence. Her paws, highlighted in a lighter shade of pink, seemed to tread on soft pink clouds, adding to her otherworldly charm. The dark mask adorning her face created a stark contrast to the lighter tones of her fur, emphasizing her expressive eyes and lending her an air of mystery. This mask, coupled with the intricate patterns of her coat, made her a captivating sight against the backdrop of the blossoming forest, where every petal and leaf seemed to pay homage to her beauty.

Beneath her captivating exterior lay a heart burdened by silent suffering. Yet, she bore this emotional toll with quiet dignity, her melancholic outlook shaping her into a resilient and reflective presence within the Nook.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
07-09-2024, 11:16 AM
m é l i s a n d e

the air was crisp with the newness of spring; the season of beauty and love. upon anywhere in boreas, the redbud nook captivated the fertility of spring like no other. and within it, laid the tiny melisande. her lithe frame still with the slow heaving of her paced, relaxed breath. in a light slumber she laid, thin limbs folded in a prim tuck as her head rested on slim wrists. shaped with effeminate curves, she is effortlessly beautiful against the dappled light that casted down on her plush crimson fur. the pink canopy above shielding her from the brighter sun as she rested in the shade beneath a larger tree. decorating around her were pink blossom from the trees above, loosened by the gentle breezes that twirled around her. they collected around her like a delicate aura, adorning her furthermore. and within this space, she was a gentle, vibrant light.
she doesn't wake to the smell or sound of the approaching stranger. unaware of them and their close proximity..

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-09-2024, 12:54 PM

Ellara Praetor

Ellara's steps were soft and measured as she ventured deeper into the Redbud Nook, the canopy of pink blossoms above casting a gentle, rosy glow on her muted pink and brown fur. The scent of fresh blooms filled the air, mingling with the earthy undertones of the forest floor. Her pink eyes, ever observant and full of compassion, caught sight of a delicate figure nestled beneath one of the larger trees.

The sight took her breath away for a moment. There, amidst a gentle rain of pink blossoms, lay a wolf of such ethereal beauty that she seemed a part of the forest itself. Her plush crimson fur contrasted beautifully with the pink blossoms scattered around her, creating a vision of serene elegance. Ellara could not help but be drawn to the peaceful scene, her heart stirred by the effortless grace of the slumbering wolf.

She approached quietly, not wanting to disturb the tranquil moment, but her curiosity and the gentle pull of an inexplicable connection urged her forward. As she neared, she took in the delicate curves of Melisande's frame, the way her thin limbs were tucked primly beneath her, and the serene expression on her face. The soft heaving of her relaxed breath only added to the picture of calm and beauty before her.

Ellara paused a few paces away, her gaze softening as she watched the gentle rise and fall of Melisande's chest. The light filtering through the pink canopy above created a dappled effect on her own fur, blending their colors together in the warm, inviting light. She felt a gentle stirring in her heart, a sensation she hadn't felt in a long time—a quiet longing, a hope for connection.

Unable to resist the urge to speak, her voice came out in a soft whisper, gentle enough to not startle. "Hello there," she said, her tone carrying warmth and curiosity. "I didn't mean to intrude, but I couldn't help but be drawn to this beautiful place and… to you." She took another step closer, her pink eyes meeting the serene expression of the slumbering wolf, a soft smile playing on her lips. "My name is Ellara. What is yours?"

Ellara "Ella" Praetor



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
07-10-2024, 08:31 AM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2024, 08:32 AM by Mélisande. Edited 1 time in total.)
m é l i s a n d e

someone spoke softly to her, pulling her gently from the sweetest dream. slowly, she opened her eyes, long ebony lashes fluttering. scarlet iris's fixed and focused on the one above her- the rosy tones of her eyes exuding a subtle glow of tender red when she peered upwards with the lifting of her small chin. immediately her ears flew back to hug against her skull- along with her shortened scut gluing tightly to her flanks as she sat upright. an enormous wolf stood before her.
to say she was intimidated was true, but perhaps an understatement. "H-hello." she swallowed hard with a slight pinch of her brows, unsure if she was safe here. too close for comfort, she shuffled her weight as she leaned a bit on the trunk behind her. her ruby eyes never leaving the looming giant before her. splayed ears then caught their next set of words; ones that caused her animations to become less rigid and still. the look of slight uncertainty leaving her features as her brows relaxed, her face coming to reveal a dimpled grin and eyes that glistened instead. she sighed, obviously relieved that no danger was here. "No ones ever said that to me before.." she bit her lips, the feelings of nervousness fluttering within her belly. breaking eye contact for only a second, she looks back at the stranger with newfound curiosity. what brought them here?
gauging their own beauty and softer colors for a moment, melisande felt internal attraction brew. something similar to seeing morwenna for the first time; an imprint she remembered but not one as potent as this. their eyes of rose quartz shining back at melisande, beckoning her own admiration. "Oh you're just as lovely." she smiled, her voice sailing smoothly over the soft breezes. "I'm Mélisande. Just Mélisande." a light giggle left her maw; a sweet tune of delight that fit well with the scenery around them.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-10-2024, 08:56 AM

Ellara Praetor

Ellara watched with a tender gaze as Mélisande awoke, her long ebony lashes fluttering open to reveal scarlet irises that glowed softly in the filtered light of the Redbud Nook. The sight of Mélisande's delicate form, framed by the cascading blossoms, stirred something deep within Ellara. She could see the initial fear in the small wolf's eyes, the way her ears pinned back and her scut glued to her flanks as she sat upright, clearly intimidated by Ellara's larger presence.

"H-hello," Mélisande was stammering, her voice trembling slightly. Ellara felt a pang of empathy, understanding the intimidation her size could cause. She softened her stance, lowering her head slightly to seem less imposing. When uncertainty in Mélisande's gaze slowly melted away as she realized Ellara posed no threat, Ellara watched as her brows relaxed and a beautiful grin spread across her face. Ellara's heart warmed at the sight, a soft smile tugging at her own lips as she watched the ruby-eyed beauty before her.

"No one’s ever said that to me before," Mélisande murmured, her voice like a gentle melody carried on the breeze right to Ellara's ears. The nervous flutter in her voice made Ellara's own heart flutter in response. She longed to reach out, to reassure Mélisande of her safety, but she restrained herself, hiding her own excitement and the burgeoning attraction that brewed within her. Instead, she let her eyes speak, reflecting warmth and kindness as they held Mélisande's gaze. Ellara nestled down, resting on her belly a few feet beside the smaller wolf, an attempt to make her presence more comforting.

"And no one has ever greeted me so sweetly," Ellara replied softly, her voice a blend of admiration and tenderness. "You truly are enchanting, Mélisande. It is a pleasure to meet you." She took a slow, measured scooch closer, ensuring her movements were gentle and non-threatening. "What brings you to this beautiful place? It seems as though the very forest has painted this scene just for you." Her pink eyes, shimmering with genuine curiosity and veiled affection, studied Mélisande with a desire to know everything about her, every story, every dream. The light giggle that escaped Mélisande's maw was a sweet tune, resonating with the gentle rustling of the blossoms around them, and Ellara found herself captivated, eager to learn more about the enchanting wolf who had so effortlessly captured her heart.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor
Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
07-12-2024, 11:53 AM
m é l i s a n d e

it flowed like water- easy and free, their first meeting meaning more than she could fathom at the time. a tenderness that was given to mélisande.. and it was anything but expected. why? her eyes glinted in question, wanting to look around as if this dire wolf held a trick up their sleeve. her tail became idle and her mouth never opened to ask.
after some time, the pinkish woman approached to sit near her. an effort that mélisande found herself having to make and initiate time & time again. forging for connecting and melting away in the failed reciprocity. but here?- it was flooding through the gates just for her. delighted, she smiled softly, watching attentively as the woman spoke more. "a-mmh." she stammered-, feeling her heart rate quicken ever so slightly. warmth crept over her skin as she blushed, breaking eye contact for a second to gather herself before looking at Ellara. "Thank you Ellara.." she softly chuckled, feeling a sense of shyness take over. this was her first admirer and it came without notice. "I am a nomad for now. Traveling through." she said with a beautiful voice, french accent draping over her English words.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-12-2024, 03:03 PM

Ellara observed the way Mélisande's eyes glinted with unspoken questions, the subtle shift of her tail, and the hesitation in her gaze. She could sense the delicate balance of curiosity and wariness in the smaller wolf, a dance of emotions that played out like a silent symphony. Ellara's heart swelled with a tenderness she had not felt in years, a desire to protect and cherish the delicate beauty before her.

As Mélisande smiled softly, her delight evident, Ellara felt a warm rush of affection. She watched the way Mélisande's cheeks flushed, the shy break in eye contact, and the quickened rhythm of her heart. Each gesture, each movement, was a testament to the fragile, budding connection between them. Ellara's own heart mirrored the quickening pace, a gentle thrum of excitement that resonated in the quietude of the Redbud Nook.

"Thank you, Mélisande," Ellara murmured, her voice as soft as the petals that floated around them. The way Mélisande's name rolled off her tongue felt like a whispered secret, cherished and intimate. "A nomad's life must be filled with wonders and challenges alike. Your journey has brought you here, to this moment, and I am grateful for it." Her words were laced with genuine admiration and a hint of awe, as though she was speaking to a rare and precious gem.

Ellara inched a little closer, her movements slow and deliberate, her pink eyes never leaving Mélisande's face. "What is the most beautiful place you've seen on your travels?" she asked, her voice a blend of warmth and gentle curiosity. "I would love to hear more about your journeys and the places that have captured your heart. This forest may have painted a beautiful scene, but it is your presence that truly brings it to life." Her words were an invitation for Mélisande to share her world, to open up and let Ellara into the tapestry of her experiences.

Her smile...
...was my favorite love story.

Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
07-14-2024, 04:35 PM
m é l i s a n d e

it happened so fast- meeting someone who admired her and boldly at that. it would take some getting use to.. only if Ellara meant to stay. what did 'stay' even mean to her, thought? "Ethne. I mean Polaris.. Perhaps that was the most beautiful place I've seen." suddenly, a beat of sorrow washed over her face, leaving her eyes robbed of the light they previously held. it was a sensitive topic and a nostalgia she kept under fancy rugs.. who knew a question could unravel it all. she had turned away then, hiding her face from Ellara. "what if she think's im ugly?," she wondered. her red ears flattened for a moment as she blinked away a tear or two, desperate to conceal the richness of her heart. because surely, Ellara wanted only the best of mélisande.
"I'm sorry." she whispered as she slowly turned to face the other once more. her eyes slightly glossier than before and lashes wet. "My journeys have been unfair to me. But it is in the present that I find comfort.. here with you." she said, voice hushed and sweet. "Thank you." she warmly spoke, sighing over her words as if relieved.
slowly Ellara came closer, starting up a physical pulse inside of mélisande. from where-, she did not know or understand. what was this feeling? her eyes widened for a slight seconds as she became aware of the arousal that set deeply between her supple thighs. "Ellara- what are you.. what are you doing?" she never had a kiss before, let alone a lover. what exactly was Ellara trying to do & why did it feel like she wanted more? an unexplored territory intimidated and enticed mélisande, all at once. "B-but I'm a girl.." she whispered aloud, as if forbidden to say. Never seeing girls and girls embrace one another like male and female did. innocence imbued within her youthful gaze as she watched with curiosity, wondering what Ellara would say. as if her gender wasn't obvious.. maybe mélisande needed reassurance that this was okay. "Mh.. May I call you Ella?" she said.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-14-2024, 07:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2024, 07:15 PM by Ellara. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara's heart ached as she watched Mélisande's expression shift from delight to sorrow. The mention of Ethne, or Polaris, had brought forth a wave of emotions that Mélisande seemed to struggle with, her eyes losing their earlier light. When Mélisande turned away, trying to hide her tears, Ellara's instincts urged her to comfort the smaller wolf. She moved closer, her presence gentle and reassuring, her heart filled with a deep compassion for Mélisande's pain.

When Mélisande whispered her apology and turned back, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, Ellara felt a fierce protectiveness rise within her. "There is no need to apologize," she said softly, her voice imbued with warmth and understanding. "Life can be cruel and unfair, but I can see that you have endured, and that makes you incredibly strong." She hesitated for a moment, feeling her own heart race with the intensity of her emotions. "Here, with you, in this moment, I want nothing more than to see you smile and feel safe."

As Ellara inched closer, she could sense the burgeoning arousal within Mélisande, a mirror to her own growing desire. The innocence and uncertainty in Mélisande's voice only fueled Ellara's need to be gentle and reassuring. "Mélisande, it’s okay," she whispered, her pink eyes locking onto Mélisande's gaze with a fierce tenderness. "I.. don't know what it is about you that called to me, but I care for you, deeply... already. And yes, you may call me Ella. You may call me whatever you wish." She leaned in, her breath warm and soft against Mélisande's ear. "You are beautiful, Mélisande."

Her words were a soothing balm, meant to calm Mélisande's fears and insecurities. "I am not trying to rush or pressure you, we can take a step back..." Ella continued, her voice low and husky with her own barely contained emotions. "I just want to be close to you, to know you, to share in your joys... and your sorrows. You are safe with me, I promise." She nuzzled Mélisande's cheek gently, her touch feather-light. "Tell me more about yourself, anything you wish to share. I want to know everything about you. You're not alone anymore, if you do not want to be - you can tell me what is on your mind and we can explore these feelings together."

Her smile...
...was my favorite love story.




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
07-15-2024, 08:37 AM
m é l i s a n d e

Ellara created the right habitat within mélisande, bringing a blooming within her; feelings of softer passion coming forth and seeping around them. and it all felt so right. every word that came out Ella's maw was one of reassurance that beckoned her trust & belief. and by then, she gave in to the sweet nothings, praying they weren't empty. diving into the other, she accepted the notion, allowing Ellara to coming slightly closer little by little. coming to nuzzle against her cheek, mélisande sat still- savoring the feelings of their fur meshing together and their scents intertwining. she inhaled, closing her eyes for just a moment as she basked in Ella's affection. mélisande you beautiful. it echoed over her, making her breathing quicken. she imprinted now- bonding to Ellara in this very moment.
slowly, she opened her eyes, coming to face Ellara with a soft gaze. "Can you stay with me?" she asked, saying exactly what was on her mind most. "Can you kiss me?" she said next, words sweet and low like a whisper just for Ellara to hear.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-15-2024, 09:08 AM

When Mélisande turned to face her, her gaze soft and filled with an innocent longing, Ellara felt the world around them fade away. The delicate question that left Mélisande's lips, asking if she would stay, was like a gentle plea that tugged at Ellara's very soul. She moved closer, her eyes never leaving Mélisande's, and whispered, "Yes, Mélisande, I will stay with you. As long as you want me, I will be here." Her voice was a tender promise, laden with sincerity and warmth.

The next question, a shy request for a kiss, sent a shiver down Ellara's spine. She leaned in, her breath mingling with Mélisande's, and whispered softly, "I would be honored to kiss you." She closed the small distance between them, her pink tongue brushing gently against Mélisande's in a tender, loving kiss. It was a delicate exploration, a sweet connection that spoke of the depth of her feelings and the respect she held for the smaller wolf.

As they kissed, Ellara poured all her affection against her lover's lips, hoping to convey the depth of her emotions. She pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her sweet Mélisande's eyes, her own filled with a mixture of adoration and gentle desire. "Thank you for trusting me, you are safe with me, Mélisande," she murmured, her voice a soft caress. "Tell me more about you, where are you from? What are your dreams.. and your fears? I want to be a part of your world. I may have only been a part of it for a moment, but I've never felt more at home." She nuzzled into Mélisande's mane as she spoke, curling herself around her. Ella had never felt this way in her life, and she didn't quite understand it, but she was certain she wanted to shower Mélisande in her love for as long as she would let her. She was just so gorgeous, with her perfect red and black fur and deep red eyes. Ella was in love.

Her smile...
...was my favorite love story.




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
07-18-2024, 11:51 AM
m é l i s a n d e

Ellara was gentle and assuring, making space for safety to unfold naturally. soon, she found herself being encircled by the enormous wolf. perhaps the largest woman she'd ever seen. as Ellara spoke, mélisande chimed in, "But do you want to be here?" she asked with sincerity. wanting to dissect the meaning behind their words. "I want to get to know you more." she confessed, looking up at the dire wolf.
what came next was beautiful. a soft starting kiss that turned into a savoring passion as they held one another intimately. tasting Ella and allowing Ella to taste her with the swivels of her pink tongue, meeting & lapping over and over again. it brought her satisfaction, her fist kiss.
silence came over them both for a moment as they both cuddled one another. Ella then questioned her, breaking their captivation. "I am from far away. Islandic by nature and French." she chuckled softly, imagining how absurd it might've sounded. "Dreams? Fears?" she sighed, looking at her tiny wrists. "I-I don't know.." Looking back at Ella, she spoke softly, "No ones ever asked me that before."

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-18-2024, 05:55 PM
Ellara's heart swelled with tenderness as she listened to Mélisande's sincere questions. She wanted to assure her, to make her feel truly seen and valued. "Yes, Mélisande, I want to be here," she replied softly, her voice filled with earnestness. "I've never felt like this before, I'll admit. Being with you just feels right, like I've found something I didn't even know I was searching for." Her eyes reflected the depth of her sincerity, hoping to convey how deeply she meant her words.

The kiss they shared was a revelation, a tender dance of affection that deepened the bond between them. Ellara savored the taste of Mélisande, each gentle lap of their tongues a sweet promise of the feelings blossoming between them. When the kiss ended, she felt a sense of peace and fulfillment that was entirely new to her. The silence that followed was comfortable, a shared moment of intimacy that spoke volumes without the need for words.

As Mélisande spoke of her origins, Ellara's curiosity was piqued. "Islandic and French," she mused with a gentle smile. "That sounds enchanting, just like you." She nuzzled Mélisande's mane again, her touch soft and affectionate, a silent promise of her growing affection. "Dreams and fears are part of what makes us who we are," she said softly, her voice a soothing murmur. "It's okay if you're not sure. We can explore them together, if you'd like."

Ellara's gaze was tender as she looked into Mélisande's eyes. "I just want to know everything about you, but we can take our time. There's no rush. I'm here for you, and I'm not going anywhere." She curled herself around Mélisande a little tighter, providing a warm and protective embrace.


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