
i took it all for the chase




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
07-10-2024, 06:14 PM
He looked at the wolf before him as she admitted to her weakness. It gave him a moment to ponder where she had come from. Who she had been in her life before this. But that history mattered less than she might like. “Very well, you will learn.” He'd offer the role to Ignita first and foremost. What would she think of his newest capture? He brushed the thought aside. She knew what beast she shared her bed with. 

He gave her another sly look. He could almost feel her attempt to find balance in this very new situation she had been thrust into. “I suppose our laws, and what rules should not be broken will be a mystery until then.” A challenge. A reason to learn, and the start down the path to better herself that all Armada slaves must tred. “Come.” He ordered, leading her away from the Obelisk and its mysteries. He led her to the storeroom, which was kept tiny and organised by his soon to be wife. “Down the corridor to the left are hot springs, you may make use of them in your down time.” He told her. Life in the Armada was not without its advantages. She could do well for herself, if she remembered who she served first and foremost. 

He turned to the right, into the store room proper. He moved to the rack of bedding, glancing back for a moment to assess her size before grabbing a tiger coat. He moved to the food section next, keeping a close eye on his wolf and her sticky paws. He threw some dried meat and a canteen into a bag with little explanation, and drew her back out of the storeroom before she could try a repeat of what had brought her here. Once they were out, he thrust the two items at her. “Carry.” He ordered her.
[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning

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1. i took it all for the chase Dreamer's Col 12:50 AM, 07-10-2024 03:13 PM, 07-18-2024