
i took it all for the chase




Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
07-10-2024, 09:39 PM

Ignita's waking brain shook off the sleep rather quickly as she observed the reactions between each wolf. Ignita caught the subtle flicker of discomfort from the moonlit and smoke femme as Bas introduced her as Rabbit. The corner of her own lip twitched, he had called her, and even still does, Little Bird.

"Oh? A thief? To us?" She asked of him askance, his own story or the truth? With how he captured Ignita at first he had claimed she was a thief when she was naive and didn't know any better. Was this the same situation?

She hadn't realized that her new status would place her here. She had never thought she would even get to a moment like this. Being presented a slave as a gift, for her to command and lord over. As he mentioned that she was quick Ignita felt a strange dichotomy of looking at "Rabbit" standing before her and knowing just how it felt to be looked over like this in such a way.

She was silent but shifted her gaze back to Basilisk in a subtle narrowing of the eyes as he decided on the spot to present "Rabbit" as a wedding gift.

"You... Hm" She started at Basilisk at first but then changed her mind midway and turned back to the new songbird of Armada, "We'll have much to discuss in the morning then. We don't suffer thieves here." She said coolly, hopefully, she had embodied a more confident air than she felt, Ignita was the Steward of the pack.

She turned to her lover and previous master, softening her gaze on him in just such a way as to suggest promises soon, "Darling, the old painting den was cleared while you were away. I believe that'll be suitable for her until we find her a better abode." She suggested, playing with her words in such a way as he had used on her before. She relaxed onto her elbows, waiting for him to take the girl to the den she indicated.


[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]

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1. i took it all for the chase Dreamer's Col 12:50 AM, 07-10-2024 03:13 PM, 07-18-2024