
when you try your best but you don't succeed




Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
07-11-2024, 12:24 PM
Ike was absolutely ashamed of herself, first not taking up Ashen’s mantle after her mother was forced to step down and then secondly allowing Ashen to fall when Chimera was no longer able to lead. Her family was homeless now and it was all her fault. She just couldn’t step up and take her rightful place as leader. Despite training and readying herself her whole life, Kiyohime couldn’t make the cut even when everything rest on her shoulders.

She had gone into hiding, she didn’t want to look anyone in the eye that she had let down. Her mother, her siblings, her younger siblings. She even had trouble with her dearest love Remus. However, he had remained faithful to her no matter what. Despite not having their grand wedding, Ike would consider him her husband just by the sheer fact of time they had been together. She couldn't have been rid of him if she wanted. And she certainly did not want to be without him. He was the only reason she had gotten out of bed in the days and weeks following the pack’s fall.

She looked up to him now, finding all her strength lay in him. Her past her future, he was everything. Ike had to be better and do better, if only for him. "I’m so sorry.” She whispered softly that night as the moon’s light filtered through the leaves of the palms above them. Shame and guilt ate at her as the feeling of being useless had totally overcome the once princess.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Oritsu Klein"