
Prickles in the Mud




Expert Healer (130)

Expert Hunter (130)

1 Year
07-12-2024, 02:06 PM

Asahi rejoined the great cat as she slunk by. Trying to mirror Taiga's movements carefully. The way Taiga moved was even more graceful and elegant than her sisters, and maybe if she learned how to move like Taiga she would be less clumsy.

The scent she had been searching for before crossed her nose and she lifted it to catch more of it, her golden eye bright and eager. She wanted to show Taiga just how good a hunter she was! Impress the great cat with her actions!

The golden Hattori girl watched Taiga carefully as they moved through the forest, the pup's impatience already showing in her quickly moving ears and flick of her tail. But the coolness of Taiga every time Asahi glanced at her would remind Asahi to have patience while they tracked the porcupine silently. She was glad Taiga didn't expect her to talk much. Asahi preferred not to, she never had anything important to say regardless.

Asahi tried to keep her huffs of impatience to herself as the light began to fade. Night would be soon and she didn't know that it was the perfect time to hunt porcupines. The cat motioned silently for the girl to follow her, and the pup did, wide eyes and ears alert. She watched where the cat was looking and would pause to peer into the darker bushes herself, trying to catch sight of the prickly beast.

The scent caught her attention over the sound, Oh! That must be the porcupine! It smelled like the needles but a thousand times stronger. She went still as they both zeroed in on the sound's source. Asahi mimicked the cat's movements until Taiga motioned her to stay back and Asahi's ears and eyes portrayed her confusion. She made to step forward but a sharp look from Taiga made her freeze and accept her status as an observer. She slowly blew her through her nose to ease her frustration.

Through the foliage Asahi watched, silently crawling forward to at least keep the hunt within view. She saw the quill laden creature and Taiga beyond it. When the creature turned away from Taiga, the pup pushed forward to grab its attention but she didn't need to, Taiga was already on the creature with a silent thump. Wide eyed she watched the creature's life force ebb away as it was crushed and quickly dispatched, disappointed she hadn't gotten a chance to get it herself and show Taiga her ability. Such was the life of a silent girl she guessed. Everyone assumed you were stupid and mute. Well, at least she got to see Taiga in action and hoped to make similar moves in the future.

She was finally called forward and Asahi dutifully approached, sniffing the porcupine, taking in its scent, and committing it to memory. She nodded curtly to Taiga with a polite smile as she proclaimed their kill! She quickly went to work right alongside the cat in carefully extracting the quills and claws wherever she could reach.

When it was dark out and they had finished extracting the precious quills, Asahi took the oiled bag and walked dutifully next to Taiga homeward, mimicking the cat's movements as they went. She wanted to learn how to move as silently as Taiga did.

wc: 549
total: 1500+

Asahi does not typically speak, even sometimes when she wants to.

Her brother Jiro may enter her threads unannounced!

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1. Prickles in the Mud The Ancient Oaks 10:13 PM, 07-06-2024 10:03 PM, 08-01-2024