



"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (355)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
07-13-2024, 01:02 PM

When Maki bumped into him, Redrum’s immediate reaction was to stiffen, his body going rigid as he braced himself against the stone wall. He blinked rapidly, nostrils flaring as he tried to sort through the myriad of scents that crowded the air. His lips curled back, exposing his teeth in the beginnings of a snarl. Only when he turned and saw his assailant did his stance begin to relax. His golden eyes widened in surprise before softening with recognition. His ears, which had flattened against his skull, now perked up, standing tall once more. But who was Ed?

The corners of his mouth lifted in a rare, crooked smile, responding to her cheerful demeanor. “H-hello. Maki.” The crimson young brute stammered, his speech uneven as he searched for the right words. “Uh. Having- fun?” His idea of fun was a lot different. It involved building traps and collecting bones or scars. But he could learn.

Despite his usual wariness, the vibrant joy radiating from Maki was infectious. Redrum felt a strange desire to share in her happiness, even if just a little. His tail began to thump against the ground, and he took a deep breath to ease his mind. Still though. His claws tapped nervously against the ground, a slight tremor running through the muscle on the limb betraying his unease. His gaze shifted to the bottle in her hand, one brow arching in curiosity as he recognized it as the strange drink some of the others had been enjoying.

“What is- that? Bitter-water?” He questioned, his voice a curious rumble. For someone who spent most of his time in the woods, the world beyond was full of mysteries. It was easier to inquire about what he saw rather than the countless unknowns that still eluded him.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.