Her tail frisked behind her as she approached the gaping maw of the cavern. Morwenna had pulled Kaija along with her, teasing her with another cavern adventure. She had noticed this one when she was previously exploring the regions around the old haunts of the Raiders. The smell of seawater tickled her nose and the black sands whispered below her tucked dainty pads. The late morning spring light streamed around them but didn't seem to penetrate far at all into the cave. She looked back at Kaija with an eagerly excited look right before she stepped into the darkness with a giggle.
Immediately every noise echoed back to her. Her nose was twitching as she aimed to pick out the scents around her. It was certainly different from the first cave she had explored with the sturdy woman. This one was damp, seawater and fish were the strongest scents within. Her toes brushed through thin pools of salt water, and the edges of the cavern seemed smooth and waterworn.
"What do you think we'll find?" Mowenna whispered to her companion, as she wove around a large smooth stone pillar, seeking the deeper recesses of the cavern. The tide was far from shore, they would have no danger from the seawater for quite some time. Was that a light ahead? It was strangely blue!