
Learn to move as one




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
07-14-2024, 02:01 PM

As the Avalon wolves began to charge out to meet their approach, she began to scan each of them both looking for a target and waiting to see if any of them would engage her directly. Her question was answered by a bark from an older man coated in earth tones and wearing a helmet adorned with spikes. Her sapphire gaze turned his way and she grinned as she settled into a fighting stance to brace herself for his approach. He was a good bit taller than her and appeared heavier in build so she just put herself in the mind set of when she had been training with her father and grandfather, both of the males' larger statures preparing her for this kind of fight.

As Corvus charged her head on she bent her legs and coiled her muscles to get ready to doge out of the way and did just that just as he was drawing close, making a quick hop to her right that would put her out of the way of the slamming charge he was attempting to do. It did not fully get her out of range of his reaching jaws though and she felt his teeth cut across her shoulder, the hardened leather of her armer deflecting the worst of the bite and just making her wince slightly at the impact and pressure that might leave a bit of bruising behind. A flash of black and white feathers appeared between her and her opponent as her magpie swooped in to flap his wings in Corvus' face, hopefully distracting him long enough for her to dart around to his left side. She tried to position herself so that she was perpendicular to him and facing his left shoulder and she reached out for his left elbow with open jaws. She knew this was a friendly raid so she wouldn't try to do any real damage, but she still wanted to bite hard enough to maybe pull his leg out from under him.

Wynter vs Corvus for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: leather armor around shoulders
Defensive Battle Accessory: Dagger in a bracer scabbard
Companion 1: Arctic Hare, Female, Battle
Companion 2: Black-billed Magpie, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Tactician

"Wynter Fatalis"