



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
07-14-2024, 04:35 PM
m é l i s a n d e

it happened so fast- meeting someone who admired her and boldly at that. it would take some getting use to.. only if Ellara meant to stay. what did 'stay' even mean to her, thought? "Ethne. I mean Polaris.. Perhaps that was the most beautiful place I've seen." suddenly, a beat of sorrow washed over her face, leaving her eyes robbed of the light they previously held. it was a sensitive topic and a nostalgia she kept under fancy rugs.. who knew a question could unravel it all. she had turned away then, hiding her face from Ellara. "what if she think's im ugly?," she wondered. her red ears flattened for a moment as she blinked away a tear or two, desperate to conceal the richness of her heart. because surely, Ellara wanted only the best of mélisande.
"I'm sorry." she whispered as she slowly turned to face the other once more. her eyes slightly glossier than before and lashes wet. "My journeys have been unfair to me. But it is in the present that I find comfort.. here with you." she said, voice hushed and sweet. "Thank you." she warmly spoke, sighing over her words as if relieved.
slowly Ellara came closer, starting up a physical pulse inside of mélisande. from where-, she did not know or understand. what was this feeling? her eyes widened for a slight seconds as she became aware of the arousal that set deeply between her supple thighs. "Ellara- what are you.. what are you doing?" she never had a kiss before, let alone a lover. what exactly was Ellara trying to do & why did it feel like she wanted more? an unexplored territory intimidated and enticed mélisande, all at once. "B-but I'm a girl.." she whispered aloud, as if forbidden to say. Never seeing girls and girls embrace one another like male and female did. innocence imbued within her youthful gaze as she watched with curiosity, wondering what Ellara would say. as if her gender wasn't obvious.. maybe mélisande needed reassurance that this was okay. "Mh.. May I call you Ella?" she said.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa

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