
silver beneath the surface



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
07-16-2024, 07:25 PM

Ellara Praetor

Ellara stirred, the early morning light gently prodding her awake. She lay nestled on the outskirts of the God's Garden next to her friends, a place of serene beauty and sacred tranquility. This haven was a verdant paradise, where vibrant flowers blossomed in a riot of colors, their sweet fragrance mingling with the crisp morning air. Ancient pillars stood as silent sentinels, while the soft hum of insects and the distant call of birds provided a soothing symphony.

Ellara rose slowly, stretching her latte-pink and coffee-brown limbs, her striking pink eyes blinking away the remnants of sleep. Beside her, Atreyu lay still, his presence a comforting constant. She nudged her gently with her nose, a soft smile on her lips. "Wake up, Atreyu," she murmured. "The storm has passed, and it's time to greet the day."

The God's Garden, though beautiful, was merely the beginning of their journey. Ellara knew they needed to move east towards Cedar Falls to catch the migrating salmon. She shook her fur, the remaining droplets of last night's rain scattering around her. The sun was beginning to rise, casting a golden glow over the garden, making the dew-kissed petals sparkle like jewels.

As they made their way out of the garden, the terrain began to change. The lush greenery gave way to a denser forest of cedar trees, their tall, majestic forms creating a canopy that filtered the sunlight into soft, dappled patterns on the forest floor. The scent of evergreen and cedar wood filled the air, a refreshing change that invigorated Ellara's senses.

The journey east was peaceful, the path winding through the forest with occasional clearings where deer grazed and smaller creatures scurried about their morning routines. Ellara kept a steady pace, her senses always alert. She knew that the forest, while beautiful, held its own dangers. Bears were known to frequent the area, especially during the salmon run. She had already braved one once.

After a while, the sound of rushing water reached her ears, growing louder with each step. They were nearing Cedar Falls. The river, swollen from the recent storm, tumbled energetically down the rock face, its waters sparkling in the morning sun. The gentle hush of water over stone was a welcome sound, promising the bounty of salmon that awaited them.

Ellara stepped out into the open, the falls coming into full view. The scene was breathtaking. The river cascaded down in a graceful, powerful flow, surrounded by thick stands of cedar trees. The air was cool and fresh, filled with the mingled scents of water and wood.

She glanced at Atreyu, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "We're here," she said, her voice filled with anticipation. "The salmon are running. Let's catch our breakfast!"

With a final, invigorating stretch, Ellara approached the water's edge. The sound of the tumbling water filled her ears as she crouched low, muscles coiled in anticipation. In a swift, fluid motion, she leaped into the shallow part of the river, her paws landing with a splash. The salmon, startled by her sudden presence, darted in all directions. Ellara's keen eyes tracked one particularly large fish, its silver scales shimmering in the morning light.

With precision and speed, she lunged, her jaws closing around the wriggling salmon. The fish fought valiantly, but Ellara's grip was firm. She waded back to the shore, water streaming from her fur, and shook herself off, droplets scattering in the sunlight.

Ellara carried the salmon back to where Atreyu and Bigs waited and laid the fish down before them, a proud smile on her face. "Breakfast is served," she said, her voice warm and triumphant.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor