
No more time for playing!

Raid Meeting!


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-23-2024, 06:04 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2024, 06:07 PM by Calliope. Edited 1 time in total.)

Calliope waits a tad impatiently. She had never truly learned what patience meant and that honestly was fine by her.

When Tarnish arrives, she meets him with a shit eating grin and an eager nod of her head. "Potions are definitely on the menu," she teases, shooting her brother a wink. Of course, her intel was minimal about Obscura as a whole, but gossip enjoyed spreading like wildfire.

Then comes Calico Jack and Siduri, Cal's gaze leveling with the two as they interact. "Siiiid, please, do you expect nothing less from our father's heathens?" Cal chides her pastel sister, teasing gaze turning malicious as she swivels to Jack. "We will approach as we always do. Friendly with no intent to seriously injure those we face, but please match their energy if any are feeling big in their britches," she addresses the growing group by the end of her sentence, ensuring to send Jack a wink as well. If the man wanted a piece of flesh to bring home, she wasn't going to stop him.

Next is her mother's guard, Kestrel, who she hardly knows, but deserved a salacious once over anyways. Handsome would be putting his appearance lightly.

Not long after is Kaija who Cal can't help but wrinkle her nose at in both a good and bad way. Her first memory of the woman isn't the best, but she admires Kaija for her fighting ability and personality. And now she was wanting to scout ahead? Cal's head cants to the side, contemplating the suggestion. "Sure!" Cal says after a beat. "Run along to the east. Obscura lies within Sunset Falls. Send back a companion if you find anything of interest," her grin doesn't falter as she nods to Kaija.

Then is itty bitty Navis who Cal is more than surprised to see. She had no idea her sister was even interested in fighting! Her tail wags happily, a smile shown to Navis before her attention is drawn to Sparrow. The old gal wanted a piece too? "Wonderful!" Cal chirps, tail wagging faster now as she looks to Sparrow and then away to the last two participants. Inferno and Scald, both who she didn't know much of, but would be welcome to join nonetheless.

"Everyone appears to be here so we're ready to set off! Reminder," her pastel eyes scan the group once more. "Match their energy. We only wanna poke them to see what they're all about. Lets not start an uproar just yet," Cal's cheeky grin lights her ivory lips as she turns to lead her first raiding group east toward Obscura.


Resource intending to obtain: "Potions" - healing/medicinal/herbs/plants etc.

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. No more time for playing! Druid's Moor 07:00 AM, 07-15-2024 06:26 PM, 08-15-2024