
Second Step's Second



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
07-24-2024, 11:49 AM

Lumine was taking every chance she got to enjoy the freedom of exploring Boreas. With the news of her father's arrangement still a sharp stab of pain in her heart, she wanted as far away from "home" as possible. Without going to Auster (where her loathsome betrothed lived), heading north seemed like the most logical direction to go.

Though Spring had arrived, it was still frigidly cold up here. Her fur, still thick from winter, kept her warm to a degree along with the Christmas red wool cloak she wore around her shoulders. What hurt the most wasn't her face or her legs where the her fur was the thinnest, no. It was the skin on the pads of her paws that cracked and ache with each step she took out onto the frozen lake.

The pain was welcome, easily forgotten as long as it helped keep her mind clear. With each chilly breath she sucks in, her brain begins to feel clearer and clearer. She's able to give herself time and space to admire the frozen landscape around her. Arching pillars of ice threaten to crash down back upon the surface. And as she walks, each step is illuminated with glowing blue... something. Looking down, she's not sure what it is, but it couldn't be bugs, could it?

When she looks up once more, her transitioning blue to gold eyes land upon a deer with a bow upon her head. An unusual sight that draws the wolf closer. "Hello there," Lumine calls out softly, attempting her best to not scare the girl off. "Do you know what is making the ice glow?" She questions, stopping a respectable enough distance so that perhaps the deer might believe she wasn't a threat.

Lumine Trygg

table coding by bunni ♥