
starry night, starry eyes

nav + intellect



Master Intellectual (265)

Expert Navigator (230)

1 Year

07-26-2024, 06:54 AM

From her location on the ground, she could see sand all around her. Really, the sand stretched for ages and ages. At least when she looks north, south, and west, all that rose from the horizon were the sloping dunes she had slid down. But when she looks east, encircling part of the oasis, the tall red rocks that her family used to call home. Their peaks rose to the starry sky as if they were telling her they were watching over her.

Flipping onto her other side, Gem lets out a content sigh. She knows getting wet while in the desert isn’t the greatest idea as the temperatures were known to drop so drastically, but it felt so good to cool off. As she laps up another generous gulp of water, a loud feline yowl sounds off nearby. Startled by the sudden noise, Gem starts and suddenly rises to her paws. At first, her eyes are wide until they meet with the cat that approaches in a friendly manner.

With her coat smoothed and tail wagging, she looks to her companion, Hematite, nodding to silently let him know that she wasn’t in any danger. The large mastiff circled back around the palm he’d been lying beneath and got comfortable once more. Turning her attention back to the wild cat as he spoke, Gem laughs quietly, her head nodding as she smiles.

“Pretty awful until one finds this beauty,” she replies, motioning her muzzle toward the pool of crystal clear water and standing palms that fluttered gently in the breeze. Stepping from the shore and away from Cygnus, Gem gives her coat a shake, heading the excess water that had been dripping from her petite frame. “I actually had no idea this place existed, but I’m glad I found it!” Gem says, her paws closing the space between them so that she doesn’t have to raise the volume of her voice as she spoke.

Gem Klein

Hematite, Gem's Mastiff, is always with her unless stated he isn't.